Press Cuttings 2012

Heres a few cuttings from the local press showing some of our activities in 2012

November 2012


August 2012

Visit to Solihull of new Rotary District Governor

The newly elected Rotary District Governor, Steve Cartwright from the Rotary Club of Lichfield St. Chad was the guest of honour and speaker at a dinner meeting of the Rotary Club of Solihull St Alphege held recently at the Holiday Inn in Solihull.
Pictured l to r. seated.  John Hale, President Rotary Club of Solihull St Alphege and Steve Cartwright, District Governor.
Standing. Members of the Club Council.
June 2012

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Planting success

National Tree Week

more Members planted a tree in Malvern Park

The 2024 wreath

Remembrance 2024

more President Leon lays the wreath on behalf of our Rotary Club

President Brian Bates presents a banner to AG Frederik Jensen.

Assistant Governor Visit

more AG Frederik Jensen visits the club

President Brian Bates and organiser Maria Pulley present the cheque

MacMillan Nurses in Fashion

more We were pleased to raise £2,000 for MacMillan Nurses at our Fashion Show in May

St Alphege Rotary Club Solihull change meeting dates

more From October 2023 we will meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month

The intrepid band

Phew! What a scorcher!

more Our 2023 Hopper Hike took place on Sunday 11th June

Balvinder Kaur, Mike Robinson (President) and Gavin Daniels

British Heart Foundation Research News

more A talk from 2 representatives from British Heart Foundation at the end of January 2023 revealed some ground breaking developments

President Brian Bates presents a cheque to Pete Masters

Update on Solihull Young Carers

more Pete Masters visited the club on 24th July to update us on their activity

BHF receive £2,000

President’s Charity Presentations

more Outgoing President Mike Robinson presents cheques to his nominated charities for the year.

The 2023 Young Photographers

2023 Young Photographers presentation

more The winners of our Young Photographer competition attended Touchwood for the prize giving.

Fashion Show at Copt Heath a great success

more We held a fashion show on 12 May 2023 we had over 120 in attendance.

Organiser Rtn Heather Cole with President Rtn Mike Robinson

Fashion Show at Copt Heath a great success

more We held a fashion show on 12 May 2023 we had over 120 in attendance.

President Mike Robinson with the Deputy Mayor and his Consort

Boxing 2023

more Here are a few pictures of our 2023 event

Tina and Helen with Jack and Rtn Heather Cole

Jack comes to visit

more Our Dogs for Good Puppy, Jack, visited us

Collection Table

Hobbies and collections meeting

more Our meeting on 12 December gave an opportunity to some of our members to describe their hobbies and collections

Talk cancelled

more Due to urgent matters for discussion we had to cancel our speaker for 5th September

President Alan James with Mayor Flo Nash and Cllr Linda Cole

Fashion Show 2018

more This was our first event of this type with a very pleasing result

Club Handover 2012

more The Rotary Club of Solihull St Alphege recently held its annual handover dinner.

Focus on the Crocus

more The Rotary Club of Solihull St Alphege has been swinging into action locally and 1000 bulbs have been planted at shools and retirement homes in Solihull.



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