Monday March 11th 2013
President John Ward visited the Oswestry School Interact meeting today to present their President and Secretary with their chains of office.
Members of the Club were also presented with their Interact pins.
Oswestry School Interact - President Alice Roberts
Oswestry School Secretary - Christian Blount-Powell
Monday March 18th 2013
President John Ward visited The Marches school this morning to present the President and Secretary of The Marches Interact Club with their chains of office.
The Marches Interact President - Caitlin Reynolds
The Marches Interact Secretary - Grace Meredith
more Meal (£14.50): Cold meat and salads Coffee or Tea
more Our annual evening celebrating the diversity of International Students around Oswestry
more Jayne's speaker Freya from The Marches Academy will tell us about her RYLA experience this August.
more The new Committee for Oswestry School Interact were inducted today at their meeting and received their regalia.
more Pupils at Oswestry School have raised £1,098.09 for the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).
more Oswestry School Interact take part in the School Christmas Fair.
more Oswestry School Interact 2015 Members Take Office
more Business Meeting + Oswestry School Interact Presentation
more District Governor Steve Martin and Assistant District Governor Sherie Soper attend Our Lady and St Oswald's RotaKids Charter
more In addition to the Club's regular Business Meeting, we will hear a talk from Steve Martin from Neston RC about Rotakids.
more RYLA students present to Club about their RYLA Arthog experience.
more Year 12 Marches student will join us for lunch and tell us all about his experience at the RYLA course this year
more On Friday 15th February the RotaKids hosted a Coffee & Cake afternoon starting where everyone was welcome to come and enjoy a drink and slice or two of cake for a donation.
more President David Gordon presents Oswestry School Interactors with medallions and badges.
more Oswestry School's Interact Club organised a quiz for the benefit of the RNIB.
more Jayne and Hazel visit the Derwen to find out more . . .
more EVAStore/Rotary/Town Council partnership raises £230 for Rotary Youth Projects on the Charity Market! Proceeds shared with Oswestry Borderland Club. Missed out? Don't worry, we'll be back in the spring!
more Jayne Middleton's speaker today was Harry Gardner, our RYLA student from The Marches Academy.
more The Interact Club hand over the terrific results of their fundraising efforts for The Teenage Cancer Trust.
more Our Club sponsored 2 students from The Marches Academy to attend this residential course.
more Over 3 days, the pupils of Whittington Primary School have completed sponsored walks to support the Rotakids End Polio Now! fundraising campaign,
more Ian Glenister's speaker today will be Matthew Masters who will talk about his summer trip to the USA to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference
more Oswestry School Interact Organise a Charity Inter-Form Hockey Tournament
more Oswestry School Interact Club help Bellan House pupils plant crocus bulbs to support the Rotary Crocus project
more Pupils from Oswestry School, Bellan House proudly show their pumpkins carved for a Halloween competition in aid of Care Kenya.
more Oswestry School Interact Group for 2019-20 has been elected.
more At their Summer Fayre the Rotakids helped Sherie and Justin on a secondhand book stall.
more Rhianne Lloyd and Haydn Sanders spoke about their RYLA experience at Arthog this year.
more Our student from The Marches will be attending the RYLA course at Arthog this week.
more Interact Mentors Ian Haigh (L) and Sue Leonard (R) meet with new Club President Mark Liquorish and Oswestry School Interact members Andrei Bahran and Ivan Maljic.
more Jenny England will tell us about her experience with the Georgia Rotary Student Programme in 2011-12
more Students are sponsored for a Rotary residential course at Ty Newydd
more Interact Raise Funds for Footfall and Decorate the Sixth Form Halloween Social
more Interact - Children In Need - Friday 16th November 2012
more Family Bingo Evening in aid of JDRF(Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
more A Photomarathon run by Walford and North Shropshire College with support from the Rotary Club of Oswestry
more Our student from The Marches will be attending the RYLA course at Arthog this week.
more Pupils at Oswestry School, led by the Interact team, have raised an astonishing £1,075.81 for the PDSA (The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) over the past term.
more The Oswestry School Interact organise a charity balloon release on the Maes y llan during the school Sports Day.
more Graham's speaker today is Ian Clinton OBE, Principal of North Shropshire College.
more Our students will be attending the RYLA course at Arthog this week.
more Club member and Derwen College's Executive Principal Ruth Thomas will introduce us to the college's first Gold Duke of Edinburgh students
more Oswestry School Interact Group raise funds for the Pink Ribbon Foundation - please support if you can?
more The Whittington School Rotakids Club receives its Charter.
more Oswestry School Interact Club runs a quiz for pupils, parents, teachers and friends in the PHC in aid of The Teenage Cancer Trust
more RYLA @ Arthog
more RYLA
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