Despite the wet weather lots of people turned up on Saturday 5th Deecember 2014 to enjoy the various attractions and the late night opening of local shops.
To help everybody get in the festive mood, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann ran a hot chestnut stall.
more In a school assembly at the end of June , the Rotary Clubs of Onchan and Rushen & Western Mann were proud to award pupils at Ashley Hill Primary School with their Rotary Stars certificates, badges and book tokens. Congratulations to all the award winners.
more Over the weekend members have been helping out Manx Wildlife Trust at their Festival of the Sea tent and touch tanks at the Port Erin Beach Festival
more In a school assembly at the end of May, the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann was proud to award pupils at Rushen Primary School with their Rotary Stars certificates, badges and book tokens. Congratulations to all our award winners.
more This weekend Club members have been helping out on the Exhibitors gates at the Southern & District Agricultural Show as well as selling our Grand Prize Draw tickets to visitors to the show. The glorious sunny weather certainly brought out the crowds.
more After a week's delay due to Storm Darragh, The Club was supporting the Port Erin Countdown to Christmas event on 14th December 2024.
more On Saturday, 30 November, members of the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann and Inner Wheel joined other residents of Port Erin in erecting the Port Erin Christmas trees and lights. See what all the fun was about.
more Rotarians donated most of their Saturday to help Inner Wheel members set up their Christmas Coffee Morning on 23rd November 2024 with monies raised going to aid the Parkinson’s Disease Society IoM & other Local Charities
more To encourage young people to recognise the importance of doing what they can to help our community, the Island Rotary Clubs have introduced an award scheme called “Rotary Stars” for children in the island’s primary schools.
more Ten brilliant young photographers received a total of £800 prize-money at the Falcon’s Nest Hotel in Port Erin on Thursday 17th October
more Nine brilliant young photographers aged between 11 and 18 received a total of £800 prize-money at the Falcon’s Nest Hotel in Port Erin on 26 October 2023.
more The Club organised this years Port Erin Festival of Brass on Saturday 15th June 2024 in Port Erin. The village was packed with hundreds of people enjoying the brass bands.
more To encourage young people to recognise the importance of doing what they can to help our community, the Island Rotary Clubs have introduced an award scheme called “Rotary Stars” for children in the island’s primary schools.
more On Saturday 25th November 2023, several Rotarians donated most of their Saturday to help Inner Wheel members set up their Christmas Fair with all things furniture at the Erin Arts Centre.
more Rotary and Inner Wheel members joined forces on Sat 2nd December 2023 to put up Christmas Trees and lights around Port Erin.
more The Club organised this years Port Erin Festival of Brass on Saturday 17th June 2023 in Port Erin. The village was packed with hundreds of people enjoying the 7 brass bands. Thanks to our main sponsor Santander International.
more The Club was pleased to take part in a Victorian Fair at Port Erin Railway Station to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Steam Railway opening
more A big thank you to everyone who came to the Arbory & Rushen Coronation Celebration today. Lots of interest from the public especially the pig racing, and lots of members volunteering. #PeopleofAction #RotaryInAction #Rotary
more Meet Robert Molesworth winner of the Trophy named: Most improved full time learner. This award was sponsored by our Club. Congratulations Robert and to all the awardees! We are super proud of you, keep shining!
more To celebrate the 50 years of Rotary in Rushen & Western Mann a month long exhibition was held in Rushen Heritage Centre in Port Erin
more Club members helped to sell raffle tickets at the Hospice Isle of Man Christmas Fayre.
more Once again members helped with the charity bucket collection at Port Erin New Year's Day dip. #PeopleOfAction
more The Club was supporting the Port Erin Countdown to Christmas event. on 3rd December 2022. Here we are selling roasted chestnuts.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann is proud to award pupils at Peel Clothworkers School, with their Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann is proud to award pupils at Arbory School with their Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more On the first weekend in September members of Rotary and Inner Wheel have helped out at the Southern Befrienders Afternoon Tea.
more Seven brilliant local young photographers win competition to feature in Moods of Mann Calendar. A winners presentation evening was held on Friday 21st October 2022 at the Falcons Nest Hotel in Port Erin.
more To help celebrate their 125th Anniversary Castletown Metropolitan Silver Band joined forces with Rotary to hold a very successful Brass Band Festival featuring all 7 of the island's brass bands.
more "Never Forgotten, Always Remembered." At the Remembrance Sunday Service at Kirk Christ in Rushen, Club President Michael Gallagher laid a wreath on behalf of the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann.
more Christmas is Coming. On Saturday 26th November 2022 members of Rotary have erected the Christmas Lights and Christmas Tree at Port Erin Railway Station.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann is proud to award pupils at Scoill Phurt le Moirrey Port St Mary, with their Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more It was a busy afternoon for Rotary at the Arbory & Rushen Platinum Jubilee Celebration. Great community event with the Rotary Stall and its pig racing being really popular.
more On 30th May 2022, the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann was proud to award pupils at Ballasalla Primary School, with their Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more At our club meeting on 12th April 2022 we had a visit from Katy Murray of the Southern Well being Partnership. She gave a talk on a new initiative for two areas in the south of the island about "Local Area Coordination".
more The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann is proud to award pupils at Victoria Road School Castletown, with their Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more On 25th January 2022 it was a pleasure for Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club to recognise Judy Matthews with a Paul Harris Fellowship award for her tireless work in the local community.#peopleinaction
more The Club organised inaugural Port Erin Festival of Brass on Saturday 17th July 2021 at 3 venues in Port Erin. The village was packed with people enjoying the bands. Main sponsor was Santander International and along with the Domestic Event Fund.
more Rushen & Western Mann Rotary members assisted Port Erin traders (VRE) in putting up their Christmas trees in various locations around the town. Despite being windy all went well and we can now say “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” in Port Erin
more Club Members plus our friends from Inner Wheel were again helping out at this popular community event
more On 8 August some of the Rotarian Team helped our friends at Port St Mary RNLI with their "All Island Tug of War" event.
more Club promotes forthcoming Port Erin Festival of Brass and it's fundraising work for ShelterBox at Tynwald Day 2021
more A busy couple of mornings as members installed fence posts and fencing for the Isle of Play project at Victoria Road Primary School in Castletown with the help of Ross and his mini digger from R Cain Plant Hire. #IsleofPlay #PeopleOfAction
more After January's COVID 19 lockdown in the Isle of Man, members were finally able to take down the Christmas decorations in Port Erin last weekend. #PeopleOfAction
more Club members have been helping to sell raffle tickets at the Isle of Man Hospice Christmas Fair in Douglas #PeopleOfAction #iomhospice #isleofmanhospice
more Isle of Man Coop Port St Mary branch has donated £250 towards the cost of the Rotary Stars Award scheme run by our club.
more Rotary Club and Inner Wheel Club members have decorated Christmas trees and other trees in Port Erin. #PeopleofAction
more Members having fun selling roast chestnuts at Port Erin Christmas Celebration last weekend - 5th December 2020
more Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club has paid tribute to and honoured Gerry Callister with a Paul Harris Fellowship award for his tireless work in the local community.
more Port Erin Beach Clean - last Friday 9th October members joined with Rushen Primary School pupils and local charity Beach Buddies in doing a clean up of the beach at Port Erin. #PeopleOfAction
more Members helped Manx Wildlife Trust on the entry gate to the marine life touch tanks display over the weekend whilst also displaying a ShelterBox.
more Members were helping at this great local community event - manning the entrance gates. #PeopleofAction
more Rotary Star Awards were presented to schoolchildren who have made a special contribution to their school and community. The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann has awarded pupils at Scoill Phurt le Moirrey in Port St Mary.
more Club President Roger Barrs goes for a spin in Sinclair C5 whilst promoting Rotary and Shelter box at Nobles Park Fun Day in Douglas on 1 August 2020 #PeopleOfAction #Rotary
more Members once again supported the local community and businesses by selling Roast Chestnuts at this annual Christmas event. #PeopleofAction
more Members helped bring Christmas to Port Erin, by having fun erecting Christmas Trees around the village centre on Saturday 7th Dec 2019 #PeopleinAction
more Helping our friends at RNLI in Port St Mary set up for Lifeboat Day. #PeopleofAction #PortStMaryLifeboat #RNLI #iom #SavingLivesAtSea #RespectTheWater #FloatToLive
more Part of an island wide Rotary project the club presented Dictionaries4Life to the Year 6 leavers from local schools. What a fantastic time we had with some very exceptional young people about to start on the next step of their educational journey.
more Doing our own thing. Members manning the gates at this popular local event and having fun raising funds for lots of local good causes. Nice day too. #PeopleofAction
more On Saturday 8th December 2017, Club members helped Port Erin Traders Association prepare for Christmas by erecting Christmas trees plus christmas lights in pots and on buildings around the village #PeopleofAction
more RUSHEN Primary School has become the first on the Island to officially adopt a beach, and have agreed to look after Port Erin beach, along with Beach Buddies, Port Erin Commissioners & Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann.
more Members supported the Port Erin Beach Festival on 22 July 2017 by helping to steward the event
more Club members helped with the setting up of the event.
more Members helped the Castletown Ale Drinkers Society by manning the entrance gates at 47th World Tin Bath Championships on 1st September 2018. A large crowd helped to raise over £5380 for good causes and charity.
more On Saturday 3rd December 2016, Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club members helped Port Erin Traders Association prepare for Christmas by erecting 30 Christmas trees plus christmas lights on buildings around the village.
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann members supported the Port Erin Beach Festival on 22 July 2017 by helping to steward the event
more Members supported the World Tin Bath Championships on 15th July 2017, by helping to man the entrance gates. Whilst District Governor Elect Patrick Tyrell took part.
more CALL FOR ARTISTS - SAVE THE DATE JUNE 24th 2018. You are cordially invited to display your ART IN THE GARDEN at Thie ny Chibbyr, Surby Road, Surby IM9 6TA
more The Rotary Club sponsored Christmas lights have been switched on at the Cherry Orchard Hotel in Port Erin.
more On Saturday 2nd December 2017, Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club members helped Port Erin Traders Association prepare for Christmas by erecting 30 Christmas trees plus christmas lights on buildings around the village.
more Club members provided a Park & Ride mini bus shuttle to support the two day event being held around the village by the Port Erin Traders Association at Easter 2017.
more Members will once again be assisting with the bucket collection to raise funds for the firework display
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann members supported the Port Erin Beach Festival on 16 July 2016 by helping to steward the event
more On 9th July 2016, whilst District Governor Stan Bowes was taking part, members of Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann were helping out on the gate duty at the World Tin Bath Championships 2016
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann was pleased to host District Governor Stan Bowes who took part in the World Tin Bath Championships held in Castletown Isle of Man on 9th July 2016
more On 2nd and 3rd July 2016, members of Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club once again were pleased to help with the stewarding of this popular local music festival, which was held this year at Colby Football Club.
more For a number of years the Club has been actively supporting work to raise Stroke Awareness. Once again it has helped to organise and run drop in sessions where members of the public can have their blood pressure tested and receive free advice.
more On Sunday 5th June 2016, the Inner Wheel Club of Rushen & Western Mann held a garden party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday. They were joined by a number of members of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann
more As part of a visit to the Isle of Man, Stan Bowes, the District Governor for Rotary District 1285 will be taking part in the World Tin Bath Championships in Castletown on Saturday 9th July 2016.
more Recently Port Erin Traders Association have erected a series of new visitor signs around the village. The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have supported the erection of one of these in the Town Square.
more On Tuesday 16th February the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann were entertained by the Rushen Players, with a play set at the end of the First World War entitled "Lions & Donkey's.
more In another initiative to support the local community, in December 2015, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have sponsored and erected some new Christmas lights outside the Cherry Orchard Hotel in Port Erin
more On Saturday 28th November 2015, Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club members helped Port Erin Traders Association prepare for Christmas.
more Members will once again be assisting with the bucket collection to raise funds for the firework display
more Every year Club Members help on the day with the running of the World Tin Bath Championships in Castletown. The annual World Tin Bath Championship was started in 1971. It takes place in Castletown Harbour with nearly a hundred competitors.
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann members provided stewards at the start of the Bradda Fell Race on 11th July 2015. This race formed a round of the prestigious English National Fell Race championship with over 200 runners competing.
more On 4th and 5th July 2015, members of Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club once again were pleased to help with the stewarding of this popular local music festival.
more On 16th and 17th May 2015, the Isle of Man Hospice ran a series of events featuring Antiques expert Eric Knowles - famous for his BBC Antiques Roadshow appearances. The event was supported by the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann.
more Community Concert in support of Royal British Legion Port Erin Branch 7.30pm Memorial Hall, Droghadfayle, Road Port Erin
more Club members help to marshal the event
more A bridge in Castletown, Isle of Man has been renamed in honour of the Isle of Man's only Victoria Cross winner The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann are proud to support the initiative of honouring of Major Cain by paying for the cast nameplate
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann was please to support the Castle Rushen High School Team in the 2014 UK Rocketery finals.
more Inner Wheel and Rotary Clubs of Rushen & Western Mann Family Fun Day at Colby Football Ground was held on 22nd June 2014. £2,000 was raised for local charity - Rebecca House
more Members will be helping out with the running of the Port Erin Winter Wonderland Christmas Tree Festival. At Port Erin join the festivities at the station and around the village, including a Lantern Parade, Carol Singing, Santa's Grotto,
more Each year we help out the local traders in Port Erin with the erection of Christmas Tree's around the village centre.
more Club members help to marshal the event
back Members are active in providing support at lots of events in the local community throughout the year, including: RNLI Tug of War, Festival of Brass and Port Erin Christmas Celebrations.