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more Bob discusses with us his career in the RAF and in particular his role as a Fast Jets Trainer and Flight Instructor.
more Ken is the National Co-ordinator of the RGBI 'North Star Project' which has a target to increase Rotary membership from the current level of 33500 to 60000 by 2028
more Biffy tells us about her experiences in developing a school in the Township of Khayelitsha, Capetown, South Africa
more In this talk Catherine tells us about the challenges faced by teachers in her homeland, Kenya.
more Rtn. Nada Elhusseiny discusses with us the above initiative.
more Biffy takes us on a virtual tour of the scenery, wildlife and flora of Capetown and the surrounding area
more Nagjyoti brings us up to date re the rehabilitation of the sloth bears in Bangalore, India
more Charlie, is a peace building professional and in this talk he discusses with us the relationship between Rotary and peace prevention
more John provides an insight into the challenges and upsides of running a global charity. Listen also to an appeal from Len Poulin asking members to promote our online auction.
more Rushton talks about stories that inspire us and tapping into the ideas of his students.
more 'Rotary's best kept secrets?' Learn about Rotary Fellowships and in particular the Fellowship for eClubs worldwide. A talk from Martin Brocklebank.
more Summer discusses with us the partnership between Rotary International and the Institute of Economics and Peace
more Dave is the Editor of the Rotary Magazine and in this talk we discuss with him how Rotary is adapting to the digital age
more Torbjorn shows how his company can help to motivate Seniors to be more physically and mentally active.
more Marwan discusses how technology can enhance the human experience.
more Chris, who is a USA National Park Ranger, discusses with us how humankind is dependent on Pollinators for our survival
more Paul Maskall provided us with an insight into the latest developments in fighting cyber crime and fraud
more Rtn. C.R. Hanumanth is the South Asia Chair of ESRAG and in this talk he tells us about restoring 3500 acres in India from Lantana invaded land to a natural landscape
more When the twin towers we attacked inward flights to the USA were diverted to Gander. Roger tells us how they coped with the massive influx of visitors
more Chandramallika is a neuroscientist and she explains why cardio fitness in later life contributes to cognitive health.
more Learn how the organ donation / sharing scheme works in the USA
more Michael McGovern, Chair, RI Polioplus Committee, shares with us the latest developments in the war against Polio. This was a joint meeting with Morton Rotary Club.
more Fadi is the President of Callixo, a start-up which provides publishers with a platform to sell content on a pay-per-article basis. (1 page below this)
more Sarah tells us about how the Samaritan Charity is changing its way of communicating in a personal crisis (1 page below this)
more Dieter and Netzin Steklis share with us their passion for the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda and the surrounding African States.
more WEDNESDAY 19th JULY 2023 @ 19.30 BST … Natural History Museums: Traditional Cultural Institutions Exploring Novel Applications of Science and Technology
more Puja represents Wildlife SOS, and discusses with us wildlife conservation in India.
more Rushton is a member of the eClub of Silicon Valley and in this talk he discusses the potential impact of AI in our everyday lives
more Following the Russian invasion Ukraine removed Belarus from the Ukraine / Belarus Rotary District. Konstantin explains how he and his fellow Rotarians are trying to keep the movement alive in Belarus without the support of RI.
more Khongoroo Otgonbayar describes how the 'what3words' app works and how it can be used to identify exactly where you are at any given time.
more Bob does not take office as District Governor, RIBI District 1080, until 1st July 2023 but we were lucky to have him join us last night when he shared his aspirations for his year in office.
more Rajaa, who is a Professor of Demography and Sociology, Lebanese University, discusses with us the demographic shift in the population of Lebanon over the past century.
more Nagiyoti tells us about herself, her family and career, from Civil Engineering to Industry Water Treatment
more Nagiyoti tells us about herself, her family and career, from Civil Engineering to Industry Water Treatment
more Marriette is an Associate Professor at the American University of Beirut. To meet a world shortage of Computer Programmers she, and her team, have developed a much simpler method of teaching computer coding to attract more people into the profession
more Club President Frank tells us about his early life, representing his country as a Power Lifter, and his subsequent career in the Canadian Police Force.
more Dr. Bhaskar is a Medical Entrepreneur who established the world's first Blood Clot Biobank in Sydney Australia. He joined our meeting on 10th August 2022 and, rather belatedly, this is a recording of his talk to the club
more Chris discusses his role as a director of the Projects Division of the Environmental and Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG)
more Peter presents to us details of his initiative to help disabled people and his website 'Disability Advocacy 4 Action' (1 page below this)
more In this talk we learn of the life and times of Andy who is an Honorary Active Member of the Club
more Susanne provides an insight into the work of the Cuban artist Tomas Marais
more Bakhita House takes in women who have been subjected to slavery in all its forms but in particular sex slavery. Karen provides us with an insight as to how the house works.
more Jeremy is part of the RI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce (DEI). He discusses with us his role and his hope that Rotary Clubs will make themselves more inclusive for all members of society.
more Stephanie is no stranger to the club and this evening she discusses with us the history and origins of Black Holes.
more Lisa has family and friends in the flooded areas of Eastern Australia. In this talk she brings us up to date with the current situation and the catastrophic environmental impact on the local communities.
more Herbert talks about the origins of purple gin and how it raises money for the Rotary International 'End Polio Now' project
more Steve is the CEO of Rotary Radio UK. Never heard of it? You have now. Listen to Steve as he tells us all about the radio station.
more Our Club member has an interesting hobby - making silver jewellery. In this talk he tells us how he became interested and explained the manufacturing process.
more Azure discusses with us the work of 'Libraries Without Borders', a US based charity.
more Rushton has been running a project to tap into the minds of teenagers, seeking ideas that Rotarians can develop to improve the world. This video is well worth viewing if you missed it.
more Lizzie is the Fundraising and Communications Executive with 'Anti-Slavery International', the oldest humanitarian charity in the world. In this video she tells us how slavery continues to blight the world in the 21st Century
more Connor is CEO of 'Rubbish Ideas', a Company focused on creating a waste free world. In this talk he explains his ideas and aspirations and this is followed by a lengthy debate.
more Tom is passionate about forming new and innovative Rotary Clubs and in this talk he gives us an insight into the latest thoughts as to how the Rotary movement can adjust to meet the needs of the modern world
more Luis C. Goncalves tells us about then latest developments in artificial intelligence and his views as to what the future has in store.
more Klaur Ukens shares with us what is being done in Portugal to save these beautiful creatures from extinction.
more Steve Munns explains in plain language how The Rotary Foundation Charity works and how clubs can maximise their charitable giving by utilising the various grants available.
more Barry is the Chair of the RI 'Shaping Rotary's Future Committee' and in this talk he shares with us the Committees recommendations for far-reaching changes to restructure the Rotary organisation.
more Sara is a Fundraising Co-ordinator for Medical Detection Dogs, a Charity we are supporting with our Virtual Dog Show. Sara tells us how the Charity was started and how it is working today to train dogs that can 'sniff out' the Covid19 virus.
more Our member Adrian Brewer explains to the club the objectives of the above Charity and how it provides barrels to developing communities to transport water effectively.
more Bob talks to us about the life and times of the American Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright
more Sylvia was the first woman admitted to membership of Rotary and in this talk she tells us of the struggles to get women members admitted to the organisation. After her talk a Paul Harris is bestowed on one of our members. Who? View the video. (1 page below this)
more Gordon has recently been approved as RI President 2023/24 and he has visited the club to share his views on the way forward for Rotary post Covid. He also hosts a lively question and answer session.
more An update from Oksana Tjupa (Charter President of Rotary Club of Kyiv International) on the situation in Ukraine at present and the amazing work being done by Rotarians and Rotaractors in Ukraine - and of course - how we can help them!
more Stephanie returns to the club and this time she discusses with us the search for life in the Solar System.
more John was a polio victim from an early age, contracting the disease around 6 months before the first vaccinations . In this talk he compares the Covid 19 epidemic with the pre polio world before vaccinations.
more Sarah is a clinical Immunologist and she took part in the vaccine trial for the Oxford / Astra Zeneca Covid 19 research, hence her talk is titled 'A Busman's Holiday in Lockdown'
more Jane's talk is titled ' Speak up for our Planet' and she describes what action we should all be taking to minimize the. effects of climate change
more Estela discusses with us the reality of human trafficking in the world today.
more Teresa is a visiting Fellow at the University of East Anglia and in this meeting she discusses with us how putting wellbeing first would help to sustain life on earth
more Hikari is a Japanese Rotary Global Scholar currently studying at UEA. In this talk she discusses her career to date and her aspirations for the future
more Aiden discusses with us how his Charity 'Waves Trust', seeks to empower communities to protect our children.
more Gert discusses with us 'Plastic Soup' which is the disturbing effect of plastic waste in our environment.
more Simon was raised in the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro and he tells us about his life and in particular his Community and Environmental activities.
more MIke is the CEO of Eco Racing, the Company which developed the 'Virtual Balloon Race' software and in this talk he tells us how he got this product to market.
more The Rotaract club members share with us their experiences in the aftermath of the devastating explosion at the port in Beirut on 4th August 2020
more Alberto explains how his podcasts seek to inspire his global listeners to be more philanthropic, to act more sustainably and to embrace social entrepreneurship.
more Mike discusses the positive impact that business can have on climate change
more Nicola Goodhall, Director and Gina-Lee Nel, Vice Chair discuss with us how the Trust works to provide pre-school learning to children in South Africa
more This is a guided meditation by our member Lee Martin to reflect and contemplate the UN International Peace Day and the Peace One Day movement on 211st September 2020
more Jason is a motivational speaker and in this talk he demonstrates the various and latest technologies available which could make our meetings more interesting
more If you thought Roger Federer was just a world class tennis player then think again. Janine is the CEO of the Roger Federer Foundation which supports education for pre-school children in Southern African countries
more Gloria, known as the 'Weird Fish Lady', provides an insight into the world below the waves and the potential environmental disaster facing humankind
more Ron is the voice of the 'Bluebirds (Barrow FC) for Radio Cumbria and is a freelance BBC broadcaster
more Fred provides an interesting perspective to the post Covid-19 future of non-profits such as Rotary International
more If you think that Rotarians and Metalheads are akin to oil and water then think again. Felix founded the 'Rotarian Metalhead Fellowship' which goes from strength to strength.
more Nicki will be an International Director of RI, representing RIBI. She takes up her post for two years commencing July 2021
more Sarah is the Editor of the 'Rotary Africa' magazine. This talk is titled 'Flamingo of Change' and Sarah links the Rotary movement to a very special bird
more Lara is the CEO Hostage International and in this talk she tells us how the Charity provides support for the families of Hostage victims
more Mike Parry explains the role of Foundation in the UK and its relationship with RI Foundation worldwide
more Stephanie explains to us the phenomena known as the 'Northern Lights' or its technical name 'Aurora Borealis'
more Colin was the Chaplain at Robben Island during the period when Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. In this talk he gives great insight into the mind of one of the worlds great leaders.
more A talk about what makes Corona V different
more We are on the verge of launching the virtual dog show and this video explains how we are going to do this and how we need the help of all club members. Please view this video so that everybody is ready to assist on the day of the launch.
more Neil describes what the future holds for contactless payments and the implications for the charitable sector.
more Rotary International President Elect Holger Knaak takes an early opportunity to share with us his aspirations for his forthcoming year of office.
more Stephanie is a Solar Physicist specialising in the study of the sun and in this talk she answers many of the questions that you may never have had the opportunity of asking.
more Judith discusses her role as a Representative at the Commonwealth of Nations and she is also a member of the RI International Polio Committee
more Mark is the RI President and he spends time with us answering questions from a 'Zoom' audience of 100 with at least 30 more unable to get in. If you were unsuccessful then this video gives you an opportunity to hear what he had to say.
more With international communities closing down, what can Rotarians do to help alleviate hardship in their local area?
more Susanne held her first fundraising meal and raised $20. How did this lead to 'The Worlds Greatest Meal' which has raised $11 million? In this presentation she explains how.
more The Club uses extensively Facebook Workplace as its communications medium. If you want to know exactly how it works then this is the video for you.
more Mina is the Executive Director of 'Video Conference for Global Learning' In this talk she explains how teachers can deliver lessons remotely to anywhere in the world provided they have a broadband connection
more Eileen is a retired Canadian Army Major and in this talk she tells us about her experiences in Afghanistan and in particular how she organised a soccer match between NATO women and the Afghan Ladies under 22 team
more Biffy is a regular visitor to our club and as well as being an active Rotarian she is a tour guide in Cape Town. At this meeting she shares with us the highlights of a beautiful part of the world
more Jeremy is an actor, film-maker and founder of 'Peace One Day' held on 21st September annually and in pursuit of peace he has visited 122 Countries.
more Colin is a Chelsea Pensioner and he astounded everyone by winning the 'Britain's got Talent' competition earlier this year and performed at the Royal Variety Show. In this video he discusses with us how this all came about.
more David is the Chairman of the 'Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery' In this meeting he tells us about the progress made to eliminate slavery from the world.
more Steve Munns, Regional Rotary Foundation Co-ordinator, Region 19, explains what happens to your donations and how grants are distributed
more Have you ever wondered how RI became involved in eradicating polio from the world? - this video tells the story
more An interesting talk by Creative Director and actress Colette Hiller
more Biffy tells us how she has helped to improve education and support for the pupils of Isiphiwo primary school in the township of Khayelitsha, South Africa
more Will, a Healthcare Official, was in Sierra Leone when Ebola struck the community. Will went to the infection area, finally contacting the infection himself. He tells us of his harrowing experiences.
more Bob is a new member but a very experienced Rotarian and he introduces himself to us. Following his presentation there is a discussion about a new potential fundraising project for the Club
more Ine speaks about her life growing up in a wrestling family and her journey to becoming twice world champion and gold medallist.
more Joanne Lockwood talks to us about diversity & inclusion
more Peace Advocate and Rotaractor Luke gives an insight into his work with the Peacejam foundation
more Donna will shortly become RIBI President and she tells us about her journey towards this very prestigious position
more Mark contracted Polio at 5 years of age and he tells his story as to how he overcame abuse, disability and racism.
more Jeff is a forward thinking RI Director and he discusses with us the challenges facing Rotary in todays world
more Will is a Rotary Scholar, Educator, Poet and Journalist. He is currently studying for a PHD at Queens College, Cambridge. Tonight he talks about his research into why men are responsible for 90% of violent crime.
more Tim is a Rotary Scholar studying Latin American Studies at Fitzwilliam College Cambridge. In this video he explains how he ended up studying in the UK and his aspirations for the future
more Catherine is currently studying at Pembroke College, Cambridge University and she shares her experiences with us.
more Frank lives in Northern Ontario and he tells us his story.He is our President in 2021-22
more Rotary Scholar, Rachel, is currently studying for a Masters Degree at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. This is her story so far.
more Monique has published a hard and on-line cook book called 'Facebook Foodies'. She tells us how she did this
more An interesting insight as to how magicians manage to fool us all.
more Dave talks about the challenges of the Digital v Print fo rthe magazine in the 21st Century
more Have you wondered what the Rotary eClub of Social Innovators is all about? - find out here as Gordon tells us all about it
more Dean is a Rotary International Director and Vice President. She tells us what inspired her to Join the Rotary movement.
more In 2016, the Morton division of Midwest Food Banks had over 1,800 volunteers who donated more than 12,000 volunteer hours. Director Carol shares with us how it works.
more Rushton Hurley shares his take on how stories, technology and our members can give a cool message to the public.
more Rtn. Ken Robertshaw travelled the length of the Mississippi and tonight he shares his story
more Mark Huddleston founded the Rotary Club of Seaford, South Australia but all is not as it seems. This has to be the modern way!!!
more School in a Bag is a simple solution created to help poor, orphan, vulnerable and disaster affected children throughout the world.
more Malcom describes his very active life as an event organiser and fundraiser
more Stuart shares his experiences on active service during the Falklands conflict 1982
more a multi Rotary eClub discussion to identify best practice to be presented at the Toronto 2018 Rotary convention
more Agrieneth is a Rotary Scholar from Botswana and is studying at Anglia Ruskin University. She tells her story.
more William Lee, member of the eClub of Southern Africa and DG Representative in Botswana tells us about his role and that of Rotary in Southern Africa
more Gothal spent more than a day on buses travelling to and from District 3292 Conference in Nepal. Was it worth it? - find out here
more Harry, at 19 years, has been named as one of the 10 outstanding young persons in the world. This week he tells us what he has done to deserve such an accolade.
more Rotarian Dorothy Dix shares her passion for her charity 'Creating Better Futures'
more Our member Paul Grant started in the NHS and ended up in Qatar. This is his story.
more Rotarian Norma Howell shares with us her passion for medical /cancer detection dogs
more Listen to Jane as she tells us about her experiences volunteering in a maternity hospital in Ethiopia
more Nisha Kotecha tells us about her website which promotes good news stories
more President Gary takes over from IPP Jaqueline. Also hear about our new social media platform 'Facebook Workplace'
more Phil has recently transferred from another Rotary Club and this is his story
more Andrew “PAV” Taylor is one of those special people ... Talking about his journey though his injuries sustainedinthe Afghanistan War
more President Elect Gary outlines his ideas for his year of office
more Join our Club member Rebecca as she tells us about her preparation for the 2017 London marathon and her fund raising efforts for 'Action on Hearing Loss'
more Hugo Pike, Rotarian & Trustee of the RIBI approved Charity Water Survival Boxes gives an interesting insight into the Charity and its workings. The technology was challenging but stick with it for an interesting meeting.
more Children in Need
more This week Enana shares her harroing story of her time living and studying in her home in Aleppo
more Sean shares how music changed him from being a young frustrated lad to the person he is today
more Michael Angelo Caruso teaches people how to be better speakers.and we have the honour of sharing an evening online with him
more A team of six intrepid urban mountaineerers trekked over the top of the O2 Dome to raise money for End Polio Now & a Water Project
more Rotary scholar Robert shares his journey to building a better world through sustainable engineerin
more Mitty is from the eClub of Silicon Valley and is going to talk to us about the next ten years facing "not for profit" organisations and what they can do about it.
more An inspiring talk from Sammi Kinghorn, Scottish wheelchair athlete who suffered an accident at age 14 and she has since gone on to be a three Gold Medal winner. She shares her story with us.
more Nick Corke shows us how his Framlingham Club set upp a succesful community project.
more the compelling story of OPEN Norwich Youth Charity
more To dscuss with Mike Anthony supporting the Ouse washes [Rotary Ride] Project
more A get together for our first meeting of the New Year
more Claudia Maffetone is a Peace fellow Student at Bradford Universaty sponsored by Rotary in 2015
more Paul Wilson - Swimarathon
more This week is a catch up of the past two weeks of activity.
more Ending extreme poverty and building a healthier, more prosperous world for the poorest people cannot be done without safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
more Peter Davey President of Rotary GBI shares his motivation and views on Rotary and his role.
more This week we are trying something new - rather than a speaker members simply turn up and see who is online and chat about anything you want.
more Abdul tells us his story and his ambitions to improve peace and make his world a better place
more A captivating story from Keith Tovey about his family involvement when Coventry was bombed and a Peace Concert in November 2015
more This week was meant to be a talk on Sex, Death Violence & Cruelty, looking from an unusual historical perspective and source.
more One of our members steps in to talk to us about the work of CFR
more Member Allan Berry shares a bit about himself and what he gets up to in Rotary
more Tonight Aziz Memon, Chairman of the Pakistan Polio Plus Committee and is speaking to us from Pakistan about the work being done to eradicate Polio in Pakistan
more How a social enterprise venture resulted in a pub being owned by the village of Shouldham in Norfolk UK
more Great insight into the work of Child Reach International
more Rob Lindegger shared his ambitious 25,000 Km cycle ride across Africa.
more Luke Beer IPP of the Rotary Club of Kabul City talks about his club and working in Afghanistan
more Mark Little gives a passionate talk about about the issue of child slavery still in the world today!
more The Marathon de Sables is one of the toughest challenges a runner can make - 150 miles across the scorching desert.
more Give Peace a Chance - Pat Webb, District Peace Officer
more No Speaker for this week
more Confessions of a Radio Presenter 24th June 2015
more Heaven"™s Above! By Canon Bob Baker "“ a light hearted look at the work and life of a country rector
more TRF - what is it and why is it important? speaker Steve Munns
more "About Me" - speaker Martin Brocklebank
more An archive of our asynchronous weekly meetings
more An archive of our asynchronous weekly meetings (4 pages below this)
more Ever heard of Rotary Community Corps? No! - neither had I Rtn. Tim Mason explains what it is all about