AG John Walton Speaking

Tue, Feb 14th 2017 at 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

Business Meeting Visit of AG John Walton
Lead Steward:-Keith Burton
Raffle:- Sarah Perris

The Club held a moment of silence in the Memory of Alan Dobson, who died suddenly last Thursday following a cardiac arrest.

Committee Chairmen gave an update of their activities and Sarah Perris spoke about a forthcoming evening meeting on April 4th, when Alex Staniforth will give a talk on his amazing life, including his attempts to climb Everest as a teenager. All members, partners,the local Clubs will be invited to suport his charity Open Minds.

Finally ADG John Walton gave an update on District matters, including the forthcoming PolioPlus Jam Project, where we are all being given a pot of Jam for £2 from Wilkins and we are expected to fill the empty jar with loose change and all monies collected will go to Polio Plus.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Information about club membership


Information on the club


International Committee


Fund raising for local charities


Our club engages with local schools in a number of initiatives, which benefit young people in Nantwich.

Weeding in Nantwich riverside

The environment is Rotary's newest Area of Focus from July 2021.
