for Children & Young People

Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee

Art Competition:We are once again organising an Art competition, for the Junior Schools in our catchment area, in early 2019. This will be our fourth year and will follow a very successful 2018 competition. Whilst the 2019 format will be similar to the previous competitions a major change for 2109 will be the introduction of a photographs. We're hoping that this will inspire children, who are not too good at painting and drawing, to have a go. Once again we will  select a Winner in each of the two categories at each school that takes part and from which the overall Competition Winners will be chosen. We believe that this will enable us to give greater recognition to the efforts of all the schools who take part. Full competition details will be sent to schools in September and be available on the Web site.

Rota Kids:Rota Kids are the youngest members of the Rotary family and is an exciting way for 7-12 year olds to enjoy working on important fun activities that will make a positive difference in school, in the local community and globally. We sponsored the r first club  at Robert Miles Junior School in Bingham during the autumn term ot 2017 and , as membership spread across the year groups, we already have the makings of the Robert Miles RotaKids for 2018-19. The first meeting of the group will be held in late September and we are looking forward to meet with the new team of Rot


for Children & Young People sub-pages:

Youth Services 2024 - 25

more The activity of the Youth Committee is shown here relating to Rota Kids, Dictionaries for Life and the Junior School Art Competition for this coming year

Youth Services 2023 - 24

more Youth Services Committee supports a number of projects in local schools and this page will keep you up to date with this work.

Dictionaries For Life

more Each year we donate dictionaries to all Children, in the penultimate year of Junior School, in local schools and despite COVID we were able to deliver dictionaries to all our junior schools

Junior Art Competition - 2020

more We are repeating our Annual Art & Photographic Competition with local Junior Schools

Junior Art Competition 2019

more This was our 4th year for this competition 8 out of the 12 schools in the Toothill Academy and the South Notts Academy entered 158 exhibits.The winning entrants are displayed in the Bingham Library for the whole of May.

Rotary Life Education Caravan

more Rotary Support for Life Education Centre, Nottinghamshire

Junior Art Competition 2018

more After a successful event in 2017 our Youth Committee arranged an event in 2018

Junior Art Competition - 2017

more We had a fantastic response in 2017 with 179 entries from 8 of our local schools. Our Youth Committee have already declared their intention to organise another competition in 2018

What we did in 2018 -19

more A successful year as we welcomed the first RotaKids into our Dsitrict