Archery Experience

Tue, Jun 26th 2018 at 6:30 pm -

A very different club meeting/outing was enjoyed by many

A very different club meeting/outing was enjoyed by many of the club members on the 26th of June when incoming President Kevin organised an archery evening for us at Trefnant.

Following the initial warm-up exercises, we were given instructions on how to hold and use the bow to best advantage to hit the target (of which some of us actually did hit!!!). After a couple of rounds to hit the target, when some members were actually hitting the bull’s-eye (not sure was it skill or luck??), balloons were tied to the target boards, which were now the new targets to aim for - where I must say here that most balloons were hit. To end the evening off, we all enjoyed a fish and chip supper from the local chippy.

Thank you Kevin for organising a most enjoyable evening.

Fe fwynhaodd nifer o’r aelodau gyfarfod clwb gwahanol iawn ar y 26ain o Fehefin pan drefnodd Kevin noson saethu bwa saeth i ni yn Nhrefnant.

Yn dilyn yr ymarferion cynhesu cychwynnol, cawsom gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddal a defnyddio'r bwa i'r fantais orau i gyrraedd y targed (mewn gwirionedd  fe darwyd y target gan rai). Ar ôl cwpwl o rowndiau i gyrraedd y targed, pan, erbyn hun roedd rhai aelodau'n taro'r canol (dim yn siŵr ei fod yn sgil neu lwc?), roedd balŵns ynghlwm wrth y byrddau targed, a oedd bellach yn dargedau newydd i anelu atynt – lle, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud yma, erbyn diwedd y noson fod y rhan fwyaf o’r balŵns wedi cael eu taro. I gloi'r noson, mwynhawyd swper o bysgod a sglodion o'r siop chips lleol.

Diolch i Kevin am drefnu noson mor bleserus.

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