You can see how you or your own group can support this wonderful development by contacting:
Nicola George
more talk by Alyson Reid
more talk by Ken Nairn
more talk by Iris Hodgson
more with new President Lorraine McEvoy
more bd
more about her career
more with an excellent talk from fundraiser Carol Anne McMahon
more for Mike Kelly
more a portrait drawing class with Andy
more a talk by Frank Tanner
more for Andy Mathieson
more with Narek Bido
more 2024
more with trainers Moira Watson and Ruth Thompson
more a talk from Linda Brown
more Karen Watson gave an update about the Night Before Christmas Campaign
more Rotary District Governor Narek Bido presented President Gregor with a fine Certificate acknowledging the great contribution the Club has made to the town over 75 years.
more talks about the Freeman's Hall and Salt Pan Houses regeneration.
more Ken O'hara with extracts from his one man show
more bd
more talks about her charity swim from Troon Ballast Bank to Lady Isle and back.
more on his 31 year career as a fireman
more Gregor Purdie
more refugee update talk
more Andy Mathieson handing over Presidency to Gregor Purdie
more by five members of Prestwick Rotary
more talk from Alison Rennie
more on her trip to Sri Lanka
more on her early career
more part of our 75th Anniversary of Rotary in Prestwick
more on the subject of 'fire'.
more with Jim McCulloch
more Kate Sweeney left, Suzanne Algeo and Lorraine McEvoy
more Prestwick Rotary at Kilmarnock Rotary
more about his collection of civilian pistols
more Troon Rotarian
more with Lorna Mitchell
more Talk on blind spots, called scotomas.
more talk on the history of trade unions
more "Heroes of Telemark"
more with Andy Shanks
more with Kate Sweeney
more Everyone having a great time
more with Louise Finlay
more Prestwick Rotary President Andy Mathieson presenting Julie Twaddle of ‘Friends of The Broadway’ with a cheque for £200.
more Michael Hitchon MBE
more Bill McKinlay and Ron Ireland
more by 'Bicycle man' John Brebner
more with Kate Sweeney
more with Helen Hogg
more Talk about Rotary
more Julie Twadell
more Talk by Alasdair Malcolm
more Alan with his guns
more Witch Hitch
more Helping Ukraine refugees
more Opening screen
more 'Sci -Fi' book journey
more cheque for £1000 presented
more N gauge model railways
more Golf Club Archivists David Coid and Murray Bothwell.
more Lorraine treated members to a 'toast to the lassies,' complete with cheeky jokes, and anecdotes in the true Burns Supper tradition.
more Lorraine and Adnan
more Nicola George
more Joan McMurdo
more Career talk
more Adnan flanked by Lindsay Smith and Nigel Lawrie
more Alan Dunlop
more Les and Emma Heal from Kilmarnock Salvation Army Church
more Head of adult literacy at South Ayrshire Council.
more Speaker Mr William Purdie
more BD
more Butterfly and moth enthusiast
more Katie McClures Graduation
more Talk by George English
more Members meeting for the first time since February
more by Education Officer Blythe Paterson
more Billy Herd updates Prestwick Rotarians on Whiteleys Retreat.
more Prestwick Rotary visit Troon Rotary
more Michael J Malone
more Rotarian Jim Bruce gave Bill a well-deserved vote of thanks for entertaining us so well. Bill Rogers is shown right with Richie Cameron left.
more Rotary guest speaker Ian Jamieson and President Adnan Soojeri.
more Prestwick Rotarians were treated to an exclusive preview of Mad Productions, one-man dramatic performance, of a Christmas Carol
more Alex Murphy from The South Ayrshire Dementia Support Organisation [SADSO]
more President Adnan, Michelle from Macmillan Cancer Support and Andrew from Prestwick Rotary and are shown in the supporting photograph.
more Photographed are Prestwick rotarians Debby Broughton-Hay, and Edith Sterrick, with Guest speaker Jen Lindsay centre.
more Kevin Simpson of Malawi Fruits, President Adnan Soojeri and Rotarian John Brebner.
more Rotarians Nigel Lawrie and President Adnan Soojari with John Nimmo from Irvine Valley Auction.
more Prestwick Rotarians enjoyed a great illustrated talk on family history by Rotarian George English.
more Guest speaker Paul Fitzgerald, Prestwick Rotarians Bill Leslie and Stephen Cooper.
more visited Prestwick Rotary Club as part of a tour of all Rotary Clubs in District 1230.
more speaks to Prestwick Rotary Club members
more Prestwick Rotary Club has a new President
more Talk by John Byars, retired art teacher
more Debby and Stephen
more New President Edith Sterrick 2018 - 19
more Prestwick Rotary members at the District 1230 conference 2018 in Stirling
more Prestwick Rotary Club guest Ian McAnulla
more John O'Donnell treated Prestwick Rotarians to a talk of two halves
more David and his colleague Blair Caddis are promoting Premier Prep based in Prestwick
more Barbara Graham is pictured with Rotarian Adnan Soojeri.
more school library books
more Shown are Rotary President Edith Sterrick, Jack Lawson and Andrew Matheson.
more Prestwick Rotarian Lindsay Smith
more Talk by Lorna Walker
more Burns Night 2019 with Symington Rotakids
more Gregor Purdie, Nigel Lawrie, Linda and Duncan Lunan.
more 11 Rotakids from Symington Primary are coming to Prestwick Rotary on Thurs 31st January to entertain us with music and verse with a Rabbie Burns theme.
more Speaker Allan Dunlop
more Adnan Soojeri, Rotary President Edith Sterrick, Nigel Lawrie and Debby Broughton-Hay.
more with President Edith at the Parkstone Hotel
more Prestwick Rotary welcome a prestigious group from the Sikh Council of Scotland
more Vice President Adnan Soojeri, Bruce Fummey, President Edith Sterrick and R Stuart Lyon.
more President Edith Sterrick and District Governor Jim Ross
more Talks about his career as a Royal bodyguard
more Ken O'Hara of MAD Productions
more Historic pictures of Prestwick Rotary
more Picture shows Duncan Lunan flanked by Prestwick Rotary Club President Edith Sterrick and Rotarian Ajit Singh Uppal.
more 1948 - 2018
more Marie Curie Community Ambassador Barbara Graham
more Barbara Graham is going to give a talk on the history of Marie Curie and the charity that is named after her. (August 23rd)
more Speaker Denis Rattenbury flanked by President Edith and Stephen Cooper
more Mauchline Boxware talk by Jimmy McGhee
more Ayr Rotary hear about the Art of Ceramics and Sculpture
more Mo is pictured with Club President Richie Cameron.
more President Edith, speaker Dr Steven Hay, and Ajit Singh Uppal
more Gordon Bone, Head teacher Prestwick Academy gave a very interesting talk on the Academy’s Vision and Goals. The Ambitions for the Young people of Prestwick.
more Emma Baird playing 'my love is like a red, red rose''
more The winning team with quizmaster Deish Singh Uppal
more Winners Jim Nicoll and Edith Sterrick shown either side of quizmaster Ian McClarty.
more President Edith with Ella MacMeechan.
more Left to right Colin Blair, with Rotarians Debby Broughton-Hay and Jim Nicoll, who is also chairman of Prestwick Civic Pride.
more Brogan Tierney has won a Euroscola award
more Richie Cameron presenting a staff gratuity cheque to Carol Lockheart
more Bob Smith on right with Richie Cameron centre and Bill Leslie on the left.
more Kenny Bell gave talk about the Ayr Sea Cadets