
The Market Harborough Rotaract Club is the 18-30 year old section of our Club.

Wheelmapping disability access in Market Harborough

The younger section of the Rotary club for 18-30 year olds, the Rotaract club is now very active in town and has developed a great reputation for its charitable fundraising quiz nights. Now responsible for a range of local community support activities and core members of the towns carnival team the Rotaract Club is also busy developing a local self-help group for young stroke survivors.

The local club has become influential at the district and national level. Past president Chris Wells continues his leadership at the District level and club secretary Jake Godding is also secretary to the Rotaract Great Britain and Ireland Executive team.

Want to know more about Rotaract locally?

visit Market Harborough Rotaract on Facebook


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotarians counting the lengths for swim teams

Our primary charity fundraiser and community engagement event.


Some examples of Market Harborough Rotarians doing fun useful stuff.


The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity has been working for more than 100 years. It is an international fund dedicated to ‘Doing Good'.

Wheelmapping disability access in Market Harborough

The Market Harborough Rotaract Club is the 18-30 year old section of our Club.
