more Read about all the things we did in December 2024
more Our first newsletter of the New Year. See what happened in January, and what is planned for the year
more Read a out all that went on in and through the club in November
more Read all the news from last month, and our plans for the coming weeks
more Read about what the club did in September, and our plans going forward
more Read the news of what went on in August, and of plans for the future
more Read the news of what has been going on, and of plans for the future
more Read our latest news, and reports of the things that we did
more Read about the things that we did during May, plus some other news
more Read about the things that we did during April, plus some other news
more Read about the things that we did and other news in the March edition of Roundabout
more read about all the things that went on during Feebruary 2024
more Read about all the things we did in the last month of 2023
more Read about all the things that went on in our club during November 2023
more Read about all the things that went on in the club in October
more Read about all the things that went on in the club during September
more Read about all the things that went on in the club during August
more Read about all the things that went on in the club during July
more Read about all the things that went on in the club during June
more All the club news from May 2023
more All the club news from April 2023
more All the club news from March 2023
more All the club news from February 2023
more All the club news for January
more All the club news for December
more All the club news for November
more All the club news for October
more All the club news for September
more All the club news for August.
more All the club news for July
more All the club new for June
more All the club news for May
more All the club news for April
more All the club news for March
more All the club news for February
more All the club news for January
more All the club news for December
more All the club news for November
more All the club news for October
more All the club news for September
more All the club news for August
more All the club news for July
more All the club news for June
more All the club news for May
more All the club news for April
more All the club news for March
more All the club news for February
more All the club news for January
more All the club news for December
more All the club news for November
more All the club news for October
more All the club news for September
more All the club news for August
more All the club news for July
more All the club news
more All the club news
more All the club news
more More club news mid May in lockdown
more Another special Roundabout to keep in touch during lockdown
more The Club decided that, during the CovID-19 lock-down, the Roundabout Newsletter should be published more frequently to keep Members in touch. This is the edition for Mid April 2020
more All the club news for March
more All the club news for February
more Club news for January 2020
more All the club news for December
more All the club news for November
more All the club news for October
more Club news for September 19
more All the club news for August
more All the club news for July
more All the club news for June
more All the club news for May
more All the club news for March
more All the club news for February
more All the club news for January
more All the club news for December
more All the Club news for November
more All the club news for October
more All the club news for September
more All the club news for August
more All the club news for July
more All the club news for June
more All the news for May
more All the club news for April
more All the club news for March
more All the news for February
more All the news for January
more All the news for December
more All the news in November
more News on our activities during October
more All our latest news
more All our latest news
more All our latest news
more All of our latest news
more Read all out latest news
more All of our latest news
more All our latest news
more All of our latest news
more All our latest news
more Read or newsletter for more information on what we do
more All our latest news
more All our latest news
more All our latest news
more All our latest news
more Find out more about our meetings and events in September and how we are supporting groups in our community
more All our latest news from our new Editor, Rtn Anne Kiely
more Read all our latest news
more All out latest news
more Al our latest news
more Read Our Latest News!
more All our latest News
more All the latest news
more Read our newsletter for details of what we do
more Edited by Rotarian Ian McMeekan
more "Roundbaout" - Our latest newsletter - produced by Rtn Ian McMeekan
more Our latest newsletter - the last edition produced by Rtn Maureen Cosgrave
more Read all our latest news
more Read our latest newsletter
more April 2015 Roundabout
more Our newsletter
more October Roundabout
more Click on the link below to see our latest newsletter
more Click on the link below to see our latest Newsletter
more Roundabout
more June 2014 Roundabout
more May 2014 Roundabout
more April 2014 Roundabout
more March 2014 Roundabout
more Latest edition of our newsletter
more December 2013 Roundabout
more November 2013 Roundabout
more October 2013 Roundabout
more September 2013 Roundabout
more May 2013 Roundabout
more March 2013 Roundabout
more April 2013 Roundabout
more January-February 2013 Roundabout
more Christmas 2012 Roundabout
more November 2012 Roundabout
more September 2102 Roundabout
more August 2012 Roundabout
more July Roundabout
more May 2012 Roundabout
more August 2011 Roundabout
more Roundabout Newsletter for February
back Our Roundabout newsletter with details of our meetings and how we have fun helping others.