Quiz Night is Back
We realised our vision and the Memory Café was formed in the heart of our community, raising the seed-funds needed through our family friendly quiz night.
With the success of this first event we now have a regular fixture in the calendar usually in the spring and just ahead of Christmas, so pop back soon for the date and sign-up details.
Our quiz nights are just £12 per team and alongside the fun of the quiz is a licenced bar and raffle to raise funds for the wide variety of Redditch Kingfisher Rotary Community Projects!
All our planning and commitment is nothing without the support of those who sign-up to take part and we want to give a massive THANK YOU to all who have come along previously with their team and bought refreshments & raffle tickets - we put in the graft, you put in the money and it's our community that is the winner!
To Book Your Team contact: hello@redditchkingfisherrotary.org and or book through our secure online payment system (set live for each event).
more Fundraising fun at its best!