A very big thank you to all who helped and donated at Shoprite to this appeal.
NARG (Native Animal Rescue Group) looks after injured or orphaned animals after the Australian bush fires. This good cause was chosen for help due to the Manx connection through former Castle Rushen High School pupil Bidda Jones (acting Chief Executive of Australian RSPCA) who had appealed to Manx people for help by donating to this charity based in Braidwood New South Wales.
more Members replaced a number of signs on the Bradda Head Nature Trail damaged by recent vandalism.
more Members collected and donated 18 bags of groceries and food to the Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub #PeopleOfAction #IsleofManFoodbank #Rotary
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann is pleased to offer a number of Bursaries to support Postgraduate studies for Manx students.
more Members have installed the final sign on the Bradda Glen Nature Trail. This completes the Clubs refurbishment of the trail - one of the first community projects undertaken when the Club was founded back in 1973. #PeopleOfAction #Rotary
more The Club's charitable trust has made a donation of £500 to support the work the of the Craig Heartstrong Foundation
more We are people of action. But we also have fun and sometimes we love to meet up and enjoy afternoon tea, pimms, really tasty desserts and pints!
more The Club's charitable trust has made a donation of £750 to support the work the of Victim Support Isle of Man
more Club has made a donation of £500 to the Forget Me Not charity which supports those living with dementia and their families in the Isle of Man through the provision of the Admiral Nurse service.
more Following a visit by members in May 2024 to the Isle of Man Youth Cycling weekly Tuesday evening session run by Dot Tilbury at National Sports Centre Outside Arena in Douglas, the club gave a donation of £500 to the Manx Viking Wheelers Cycle Club
more Recently our Club collected and donated items to the Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub as part of the Club's activities to mark Rotary's 118th Birthday on 23rd February 2024. #PeopleOfAction #Rotary #isleofmanfoodbank
more The Club’s Charitable Trust has donated £1000 to charity Isle of Play – who promote, provide and advocate for opportunities for all children on the Island to fulfil their ‘Right to Play’.
more The Club has made a donation of £500 to support local charity Isle Stand Up To Suicide provide over the phone support and information to individuals in a suicidal crisis.
more The Club made a donation of £1000 to support on island charity the St Christophers Fellowship in its work to support young people leaving care.
more Recently the Club's charitable trust made a donation of £500 to support the work of Isle Listen.
more Following our Christmas Dinner in 2023, our speakers Kirree Kermode and Simon Clarke nominated the RNLI as their chosen charity to receive the proceeds from the raffle held on the night.
more The Club's charitable trust has made a donation of £500 to support the work of the Isle of Man Samaritans.
more This Christmas, the southern hub of the Isle of Man Foodbank are preparing Christmas hampers to support local families. Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann has enabled them to provide every family with a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.
more The Club's Charitable Trust has donated £500 to the Isle of Man Scouts to help 40 local scouts and guides attend the Red Rose International Scout & Guide Jamboree that is being held in the Lake District later in 2024.
more £775 was donated to Laxey & Lonan Branch of Isle of Man Anti Cancer Association from the proceeds of a raffle and auction at the Club's 50th Anniversary Charter Night held in November 2023.
more Our club members brought some Christmas cheer to the Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub. #PeopleofAction
more The Club recently donated £500 to Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub.
more On Sunday 3rd December 2023, ten members ventured to Peel Shoprite to help with customer's bag packing, in return for a donation to Rotary charities. Four small groups operated 9 'til 5 and pictured are the sunrise shift.
more Gallant Rotarians helped the hoards of Christmas Eve shoppers pack their shopping bags in return for a small charitable donation. In total over £1100 was donated by the generous shoppers in Port Erin.
more Club Member John Quaye loaded 91 shoeboxes for shipping off to Eastern Europe in time for Christmas. A big thank you to Manx Independent Carriers for transporting the ShoeBoxes over to the UK collecting depot before they are shipped to Eastern Europe.
more On Friday 6th October 2023, 7 Rotarians helped volunteers from the Isle of Man Woodland Trust plant 150 native trees at a site near Poortown in the west of the island.
more The Club recently made a donation to Rushen Twirlers to allow them to purchase a new set of tracksuits.
more A couple of days back we donated 2 robotic cats to Southlands Care Home for use by residents. Thank you Rtn Barry Smith for facilitating the handover; and to Maryke and Carol for the amazing work you do, you are heroes!
more On Sunday 3rd Sept, before embarking on the normal Training and Exercise program the crew of Port St Mary Lifeboat welcomed Michael Gallagher, Immediate Past President of Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann who presented a very generous donation.
more The Children's Centre sole purpose is to turn difficult life experiences into brighter futures for children, teens and families. To that end, we donated a cheque of £500 to support the amazing work that Joff Whitten and his team do day in, day out.
more Following Rotary's donation earlier in 2023 of £865 to match locally raised funds, the RNLI Peel Lifeboat crew have now taken delivery of their "Resusci Annie" manikin for use in crew first aid training.
more To mark World Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann Charitable Trust has donated £750 to Rotary Foundation Polio Plus #PolioPlus #PolioEradication #EndPolioNow
more We are proud to be one of only 3 clubs in the British Isles to be recognised as a Platinum Partner Club for 2022/23 by ShelterBox UK.
more We are people of action. But we also have fun and sometimes we love to meet up and enjoy afternoon tea, pimms, really tasty desserts and pints! #CreateHopeInTheWorld #PeopleOfAction #Rotary
more With support from a District Foundation Award, the Club has become a Silver Supporter of the Isle of Man Woodland Trust. As well as funding support, we hope to be tree planting within the coming year.
more Thanks to the generosity of the Manx Public we raised over £2500.
more Our charity collection day in Peel...the pictures say it all! Thank you to everyone in Peel for their generosity. #PeopleOfAction #Rotary
more Rotary has donated £865 to match locally raised funds to allow the RNLI Peel Lifeboat crew to purchase a "Resusci Annie" manikin for use in crew first aid training.
more On Christmas Eve the Club held a bucket collection at Shoprite in Port Erin to raise funds for our various charities. We are pleased to announce that the public of Port Erin donated over £1,250 to this.
more Our club members brought some Christmas cheer to the Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub. #PeopleofAction
more In early December 2022 the Club had a bucket collection at Shoprite in Peel to raise funds for our various charities. We are pleased to announce that the community donated over £875 to this. Thank you so much for your support
more Once again this year in the run up to Christmas we have collected and filled over 100 Shoeboxes which have been dispatched this week to the Rotary Shoebox Appeal for distribution in Eastern Europe in time for Christmas.
more Guest Speaker at our Clubs 2022 Christmas Dinner was Chief Constable Gary Roberts - who nominated the Give a Gift Charity as the worthy beneficiaries monies raised at the raffle held on the night.
more Thank you to everyone for their kind donations totalling £522 at Shoprite in Peel on Saturday 20th August 2022 where members held a charity collection.
more In light of the worsening conditions in Pakistan, due the horrendous floods and monsoon rains, the Club has donated, to “Shelterbox” and “Aquabox” charities.
more Sam Barker one of the Manx Scouts attending the 25th World Scout Jamboree South Korea receiving the £500 donated by club to the scouts fundraising appeal to raise £40,000 by March 2023 to allow 9 scouts and one leader from the island to attend
more Ashton Lewis & Brian Coole have restored 2 memorial benches for former Club Members - John Nicholson and Ken Quine
more Charity fund raising event raises over £825 for our charity fund. A special thank you to Sir Miles and Lady Mary Walker for hosting this fund raising event at their home. A great time had by all
more Clean Water and Shelter are basic necessities that we all take for granted. However for many throughout the world due to human conflict and natural disaster this is not the reality.
more Rotary builds new fence for School's 'Isle of Play' Forest School area.
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust (charity number 700) Grand Prize Draw - Tuesday 21st June 2022 - List of Prizewinners
more Members are currently undertaking building works to allow the Isle of Man Foodbank Southern Hub to relocate to new premises later this year. #peopleinaction #iomfoodbank
more Urgent appeal for donations to support ShelterBox charity in helping refugees from the war in Ukraine.
more Natural or man-made disasters happen all too often & when they do people are in desperate need of safe drinking water and humanitarian help. The recent volcano eruption in Tonga, Typhoon in the Philippines and ongoing conflicts elsewhere highlight this.
more Even today, here on the Isle of Man, there is a real need for Foodbanks and their importance to a great many people is only increasing. Along with many other local charities Rushen & Western Mann Rotary is proud to help this cause in some way.
more Thank you to all the shoppers at Shoprite in Port Erin on Christmas Eve for your kind donations totalling £1,111 to our charity bucket collection.#PeopleofAction #Rotary
more Several club members have had direct experience as a patient in being flown off island for urgent treatment in the UK. As a consequence the club decided to help support the work of this vital part of the Islands Health Service.
more Pimms and Party food. Charity fund raising event at Miles and Mary's house raises over £700 for our charity fund. A special thank you to Sir Miles and Lady Mary Walker for hosting this fund raising event at their home. A great time had by all
more President Roger Barrs, met with Derek Patience and members of the Multiple Sclerosis Support Society Isle of Man for their monthly southern meeting in Port Erin. Presenting them with a donation from Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann of £550.
more Rotary Stars Awards at Victoria Road School Castletown. The Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann has awarded pupils at Vicarage Road School, Castletown with Rotary Star certificates, badges and book tokens.
more Everyone has seen the horrendous COVID-19 situation developing in India and the deaths this is causing because of lack of oxygen. Working with Rotary Clubs in NW England and India we have donated £500 to buy oxygen concentrators.
more On Friday 30 April Club President Roger Barr's and Treasurer Terry Clare attended a reception for supporters of local charity Isle Listen following the club's donation of £900 earlier this year raised by members during COVID lockdown.
more After the end of the 3rd COVID lockdown on the island, members collected and donated a number of food and grocery items to the Southern Hub of the Isle of Man Foodbank
more Rotary members along with those from Inner Wheel and St John's Methodist Church have collected and filled 84 shoeboxes as part of the Rotary Shoebox Appeal.
more Thank you to all the shoppers at Shoprite in Port Erin on Christmas Eve for your kind donations to our charity bucket collection.#PeopleofAction #Rotary
more Inner Wheel raise over £2000 for Crossroads Young carers from their coffee morning. Well done ladies a fantastic effort which was supported by Rotarians from our Club.
more In August 2020, a massive explosion in the port in Beirut killed over 200 people and injured thousands. Many people lost their homes. Rotary is working with a Dutch NGO to help rebuilt and repair homes.
more The Club has donated £1000 to the charity ReachBwindi to continue support for the Sight4Bwindi eye clinic project in South West Uganda. For more information about the project visit https://reachbwindi.com/sight4bwindi/
more 31st August 2020 - Bank Holiday Monday - a very successful fundraising social event for Rotary Foundation with over 80 attendees.
more "Well Done" to one of our Rotarians DIckie Welsh, who with Lee Clarke, John Garland & Rory O'Connor completed the challenge of walking from Laxey to Ramsey via the top of Snaefell and to date has raised almost £1,700 for The King Georges Fund
more We are pleased to announce that our members are continuing to help people and groups, locally and internationally during the Covid-19 pandemic and recently donated £2,000 to two local charities.
more Club donates another £3000 to three charities: Cruse Bereavement Care Isle of Man, Southern Befrienders & Graih During COVID-19 restrictions members have continued to donate to our charity fund so we are able to financially help the local charities.
more The club has donated £600 to Rushen Silver Band to help with the cost of sending three under 18 band members on a NYBBS (National Youth Brass Bands of Scotland) course in the UK. #PeopleofAction
more £500 was raised by Club members having a 'Soup and Sandwich' instead of a normal meal at a recent club meeting. The money has been donated to Rotary in GB & Ireland Disaster Recovery Trust "Australian Bushfires" non-emergency appeal.
more Following the Christmas appeal for Rotary shoeboxes. We are pleased to say that 80 shoeboxes were shipped off island this week. #PeopleofAction
more On Christmas Eve it was the turn of customers at Shoprite in Port Erin to have their bags packed by Rotarians as we raised funds for charity and local good causes. #PeopleofAction
more Thank you to all the customers who generously donated £360 whilst Members packed their bags at Shoprite Supermarket in Peel on Sunday 8th Dec 2019 #PeopleOfAction
more The Club presented a donation of £3000 to Debbie Young from charity ReachBwindi to support the Sight4Bwindi eye clinic project in South West Uganda. For more information about the project visit https://reachbwindi.com/sight4bwindi/
more With support from the Club Roseanne Shirtliff recently undertook charity work in Uganda with two charities - Waakisa (a pregnancy crisis centre for teenage girls) and Abaana (who work with street children).
more This fundraising event was a delicious treat for everyone. Debbie Young gave a talk about the Sight4Bwindi eye clinic project at Bwindi Community Hospital in South West Uganda and explained the difference this will make to everyday lives.
more On 2nd July 2019, Judy Mathews from southern hub of Isle of Man Foodbank received donations of items given by Club members. #PeopleofAction
more On 9th April 2019, 70 members, family and friends were entertained by local actors Wayne Kelsall and Dave Shaw with their short play at the Sound Cafe over looking the Calf of Man. #PeopleofAction
more The club held a successful murder mystery evening at Port St Mary Town Hall on 21st April 2018. The event raised £1200 for Rotary supported Charities.
more The Inner Wheel Club of Rushen & Western Mann with support from Rotary Club members has raised £2,000 for Rebecca House Children's Hospice at their Christmas Coffee Morning held at the Civic Community Centre in Castletown.
more On Christmas Eve 2018, members of the Rotary Club undertook a charity bag pack at the local supermarket - Shoprite in Port Erin. £1358 was raised which will go to Rotary supported charities and good causes. #PeopleofAction
more On Christmas Day 2018, 3 members - Noel Cringle, Terry Clare & Eric Taggart along with members of Noel's family walked up the highest peak in the south of the Isle of Man - South Barrule. in doing so they raised £106 in sponsorship. #PeopleofAction
more The Club held a very successful Black Tie evening reception at the home of businessman and inventor - Dr John Taylor with funds raised for the Teapot Trust Charity and Rotary Foundation Bradda Path Project
more On 7th August 2016, the Rotary Club of Rushen & western mann with support from inner Wheel held a successful fund raising garden party for charity at the home of Sir Miles & Lady Mary Walker in Colby
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann and the Inner Wheel of Rushen held a very successful black tie charity event at the historic Castle Rushen in Castletown.
more Children in their final year at primary school are being given dictionaries.The Isle of Man Rotary Clubs, working with the Isle of Man Government, is offering dictionaries to all Year 6 pupils at island primary schools for the next three years.
more On Christmas Eve 2016, members of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann undertook a charity bag pack at the local supermarket - Shoprite in Port Erin. £1,059 was raised for Rotary supported charities.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann celebrated St Patrick's Day along with members of Inner Wheel at Rushen United FC Clubhouse being entertained by Des Kelly and his band.
more On Christmas Eve 2017, members of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann undertook a charity bag pack at the local supermarket - Shoprite in Port Erin. £1,223 was raised for Rotary supported charities.
more Save the Children Isle of Man has launched a challenge in its centenary year - for 100 partners to pledge support for the charity this year. Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann signed up as a partner. #PeopleofAction
more Funds raised from the raffle at our 2018 Christmas Meal have been donated to the charity nominated by our guest speaker Kirree Kermode. #PeopleofAction
more At this special time of year, the Rotary Club and its members are active in filling shoeboxes with gifts of toys, toiletries, educational items and household goods to be sent to less privileged children in Eastern Europe. #PeopleofAction
more Members of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann and guests attended an evening of entertainment at Arragon Mooar, the home of Dr John C Taylor OBE (http://www.johnctaylor.com/).
more The Foodbank were seriously short of shelf space to store supplies in the South, so the Club stepped in funding some new shelving with two Rotarians volunteering their time to erect the shelving in time for Christmas. #PeopleofAction
more The Club recently donated 10 slow cookers to the Isle of Man Foodbank and they were presented by President Paul Winnell to Neal Mellon, Managing Director of the charity at their Cronkbourne premises.
more Special Olympics Isle of Man provides year-round sports training and competition for children and adults with an intellectual disability. Through sport, they give athletes the opportunity to get fit, develop skills, make friends & be part of the community
more The Club have donated £3,600 to fund a guide dog which will hopefully have a Manx themed name.
more On 24th April 2018, Neal Mellon gave a talk to the club about the Isle of Man Foodbank. In connection with this, Club members generously made donations of items.
more On Saturday 24th March 2018, a funding raising race night based on the world famous TT Races in the Isle of Man raised £1,000 for the Rotary Foundation charity.
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann recently donated £250 for publicity materials to the Manx Citizen Advice Service Southern Branch, for use when it extends its services by offering advice sessions in Castletown later this year.
more Club member Terry Clare along with colleagues from the Isle of Man Bank took part in the Isle of Man Santa Dash held in Douglas on 13 December 2017. Collectively the team raised £485 for Rotary Charity funds - whilst Terry finished 74 out of 207.
more A place where hospital patients travelling from the Isle of Man by air can relax and draw breath before making their journey has been opened at Ronaldsway Airport.
more Mr David Gibson collecting the first of 45 bikes which we have donated to the community impact team who work with local charity the Children's Centre to restore and sell bicycles as part an inititative to help local unemployed people,
more In January 2017, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann has generously provided funds to Castle Rushen High School to help develop a new emotional support service, entitled "Emotional First Aid".
more Manx youngster TJ Teare was born with Amniotic Band Syndrome meaning he has lost his fingers and thumb. It's not stopped him from participating in motocross, though. To help him compete in the UK during 2017, the Club have made a small donation.
more Two Manx charities, Rebecca House Children's hospice and the Pahar Trust Nepal each receive donations in excess of £4,000 from monies raised by the charity show organised by Rotary at The Gaiety Theatre in November 2016.
more At this special time of year the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann and its members are active in filling shoeboxes with gifts of toys, toiletries, educational items and household goods to be sent to less privileged people in Eastern Europe.
more Norman Rivers, of the Isle of Man branch of the charity "˜Friends of Chernobyl"™s Children"™ was presented with a £500 donation by Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann President Geoff McCann and host Ashton Lewis after recently talking to the club.
more Following an interesting visit by the Club in August 2016, in line with Rotary"™s support of local community causes, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann President, Geoff McCann, presented a donation of £200 to the Manx Aviation & Military Museum.
more Every Year the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities by the members which take place throughout the Year.
more In mid June 2016, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann helped a promising young golfer - Owen Qualtrough will the donation of a set of golf clubs.
more Excellent Development is a not for profit organisation that supports rural, dryland communities to work their way out of poverty with dignity. It works with local partners to support communities to build sand dams, which provide clean water for life.
more Beach Buddies is a volunteer beach cleaning charity, based in the Isle of Man and was founded in 2006. It has had amazing successes in cleaning Manx beaches of tonnes of rubbish in the last 10 years - see https://www.facebook.com/Beach-Buddies-Isle-of-Man
more To help the Southern Branch of Manx Citizen's Advice Bureau continue its vital work, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann with support from Geoff McCann at local firm Typhoon House, have donated a laptop computer.
more After hearing about the Isle of Man Hyperbaric Chamber at a recent meeting and having seen at first hand the benefits for a club member, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have in January 2016 made a donation of £1,000 to the charity that runs it.
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have made a donation to local group, the Rushen Baton Twirlers to help support local youngsters with their travel costs to train and compete with the English National Squad
more Club Members are active each year in working with family, friends and colleagues in filling shoeboxes with gifts of toys, toiletries, educational items or household goods which are sent to the people of Eastern Europe
more For a number of years the Club has been actively supporting work to raise Stroke Awareness. It has help to organise and run drop in sessions where members of the public can have their blood pressure tested and receive free advice.
more Charity Bag Pack at Shoprite, Derby Road, Peel
more Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann member David Alcock recently raised £650 for charity through the auction of a white Isle of Man Police Helmet which had been signed by famous personalities who have visited the island in recent years.
more The Isle of Man Mobile Family Library is currently looking to raise £125,000 each year towards covering the cost of providing the service for the next 3 years. Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann has donated £250 towards the fund raising initiative
more In Autumn 2015, a field full of giant Minions has helped to raise more than £2,360 to help Isle of Man newborns at the Special Care Baby Unit at the Island's Noble's Hospital, and £900 for the Children's Ward at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool.
more A family Fun Day and BBQ at Cringle Reservoir was held on Sunday 28th June 2015. Jointly organised by the Rushen & Western Mann Rotary and the Inner Wheel Club's raised £587 for the Charity WaterAid.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann has donated £600 to Southern Nomads Rugby Club to help provide a new equipment store for use by the junior teams when training.
more A fundraising event organised by the Clubs International Committee at the home of Sir Miles and Lady Walker in Colby.
more On Christmas Eve 2015, members of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann undertook a charity bag pack at the local supermarket - Shoprite in Port Erin. £870 was raised for Rotary supported charities.
more The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have made a donation to Colby FC to provide a new kit for the Junior Girls Team in March 2014.
more In June 2014, a number of donations totally £1,300 were made split between: "¢ Manx Breast Cancer Support Group "¢ Castletown Coal Fund "¢ Rebecca House "¢ Castle Rushen High School Rocket project "¢ Southlands Gansey Unit Dementia Garden
more In September 2014, a field full of giant Minions has helped to raise more than £3,515 to help Isle of Man newborns at the Special Care Baby Unit at the Island's Noble's hospital. ** STOP PRESS FINAL TOTAL RAISED £3,515 **
more Led by the Rushen & Western Mann & Douglas Bay Clubs, Rotary Clubs in the Isle of Man have collected over 200 unused bikes in 2014 to donate to the Bikes 4 Africa project which refurbishes donated second-hand bikes and delivers them to African schools, wh
back Every year through the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust, the Club makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the Year.