Rotary in
Abingdon will be holding its third FREE zoom DNAPQuiz
on Wednesday 19th August,
Please …
… register, by replying YES PLEASE to this email, latest Monday 17th
see TEAMS about registering for a group of emails.
On 19th, I
shall send all those emails that have registered the answer sheets (pdf) to
print off, and a zoom link to join at 19:25. Only registered emails will be
admitted on the night.
It will follow the DNAPQuiz format; far removed from someone merely reading out
· A very visual and audible experience using PowerPoint as a platform.
· Six rounds of five questions.
· Teams are sent into ‘breakout’ rooms after each round to discuss answers.
· An electronic scoreboard.
· Just over an hour long. Bring your own refreshment.
Using the ‘Breakout’ feature of zoom, we put you into teams (up to six people
per team); if you would like to define a team, one
person may register with a group of emails, they will all be sent
the answer sheet and link; no need to be in the same house.
Equally we will randomly create teams of those
registering individually if you want
to meet different people in the ‘breakout’ rooms.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
On Saturday the 24th We joined other groups in Abingdon on a River Litter Pick. The Sun shone and we all had a great time. We look forward to being involved with the Plastic Blitz next time.
moreOne of the most popular events on our calendar, the regular DNAPQuizzes raise a lot of money for our local charities, supported by the Rotary Club of Abingdon.
more4000 crocuses planted outside Abingdon Police Station in two hours to celebrate our Rotary Foundation ending Polio across the world
moreWe worked with the Nasio Trust to install water tanks in Tanzania, to provide safe drinking water. Ground water in the region is heavily fluoridised and causes health problems for the population.
moreTwo splendid cups commissioned for our Club's annual Youth Speaks competition. Often won by our talented young people from Abingdon's six secondary schools, our winning teams often go on to the next levels of this national Rotary Competition!
moreThe Club's foreign conscience - here immunising under-fives in India against Polio. There is no cure for Polio but it is preventable with a vaccine. Only two countries now remain endemic. We’ve reduced cases by 99.9% since 1988
moreThe Rotary Foundation is Rotary International's own charity. It does an enormous amount of good in the world. Watch the video The Heart of Rotary for a flavour!