Our Objectives and Priorities are:
To promote the object of Rotary - with the intention of organising and encouraging membership, events and projects for the benefit of Rotary charitable causes locally, nationally and internationally.
To encourage new membership - by making the public aware of what we do, how we do do it, what the benefits are of becoming a Rotarian and of doing what we do well.
Projects and Collaboration - to decide upon a programme of achievable projects that will benefit local people and organisations by welcoming ideas, by working with local clubs, organisations and business groups, and fostering strong relationships with them all.
Fundraising - continuing to organise and promote a series of club and coimmunity events with the intention of raising funds to be distributed for the benefit of Rotary's charitable causes locally, nationally and internationally.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
We organise several fundraising events throughout the year details of which can be found here as they become available.
moreTime for Rotary? To all of us our time is precious. If you feel now that you have some time to spare and would like to direct your skills, experience and enthusiasm to a worthwhile cause, then we would love to hear from you.
moreOn Sat 1st March, at The Gallow Sports Centre, Fakenham - first race at 7.30pm. Bring your own nibbles - pay bar available!
moreWe are a group of like-minded people who want to make a difference by organising and supporting local fun filled events and raising funds for charitable and worthy causes supported by Rotary in the Fakenham District and further afield.
moreAre you a local business or community organisation looking to raise your profile and do good things in your community? Working as part of Rotary could really help.
moreOn this page we have set out what our main objectives and priorities are.