Spotlight on our President

President info

Spotlight on the President of the Rotary Club of Hart

We are now just over 1 month into my Presidential year and already things have been busy.  Firstly, the club has supported a diverse range of good causes locally; secondly, I have had the pleasure of inducting a new member and thirdly, the club has celebrated the previous President’s year of office with a barbecue at The Elvethem Hotel, where unseasonal rain didn’t dampen the enthusiasm.

Work has already started in planning for next year’s Hartley Wintney Village Festival and, we are looking forward to a range of events which we plan to run over 2024/25.  Santa has promised to turn up with his sleigh and a good supply of lollipops throughout the festive season and, the Easter Bunny will provide some eggs for the traditional Easter Egg Hunt.  In addition, our recently joined members are coming up with some fantastic new ideas to go with the old favourites, so watch this space to see how they unfold!

If you would like to get involved too or find out how to become a member of Hart Rotary, please do get in touch.  Our club understands that many of our younger members have busy working and family lives so, to accommodate this, a far greater flexibility in membership has been introduced.  We offer a varied programme, meeting regularly at a number of different locations and venues and, whilst it is good practise to socialise with other members of the club, there is absolutely no pressure for any of our members to attend every meeting.

If becoming a full member isn’t for you but, you are keen to get inolved with the local community and make new friends, we are always grateful for extra help with our larger projects such as the Village Festival, our ever-popular Santa and his Sleigh Collections or perhaps, the Senior Citizens Christmas Party.

Please contact us via our website or social media and we will be pleased to add you to Friends of Rotary, so that you may receive a copy of our monthly newsletter which tells you what is going on and when. You will also be welcome to join us for tea or coffee at one of our informal ‘Friends’ meetings which usually takes place once a month, on a Saturday morning (details are in our newsletter and website).

In closing, I would like to thank Graham Yule our previous President, for his leadership of the club over the past year and, with a strong team, I look forward to another good year ahead.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Hart Rotary sleigh at night

We are pleased to say that Santa has confirmed that he will be visiting us again in 2025


How to support us or interested in membership?


A few words about The Rotary Club of Hart


Based on monthly articles placed by the Club in Contact, the Hartley Wintney Parish Magazine
