Latest Club News

Diss & District Rotary Club....

Please scroll through the news articles to see what we have been up to in the Diss and District Rotary club recently

Latest Club News sub-pages:

Diss Rotary Purchase Slow Cookers for Waveney Food Bank

more Diss Rotary presented Waveney Food Bank with 20 Slow cookers on Wed 29th Jan 2025


more Thanks to everyone that helped and supported in ANY way.

Charity Easter Eggs are back for 2025

more Diss Rotary have ordered more eggs for this year. Over the last few years this has proved to be very popular ands helped raise thousands of pounds for charities. Watch this space for update on when and were the eggs will be.

Christmas Dinner Update

more Rotarians and guests enjoyed a wonderful lunch and entertainment at their recent Christmas Dinner. See report and photos below.

Save the Children Collection £1200 RAISED

more Diss Rotarians and members of Diss 41 Club ( some members belong to both !) collected £1200 for Save the children in Morrisons on Sat 21st Dec 2024. This annual collection was started over 40 years ago and has raised well in excess of £40,000 to date.

Rotary Volunteers help with Crucial Crew

more Please offer help if you are free on these dates. Tuesday 3rd December, The Nest (Norwich) Tuesday 4th March 25, Letton Hall Tuesday 15th July 25 , City College

We welcome Sean Daniel as our newest Rotarian.

more Sean was inducted by President John on 5th Nov 24.

We welcome John as our New President

more John Cooper took over as President on 2nd July. HIs focus for the coming year is membership, membership and membership ! Bronwen was thanked for all her hard work and presented with some flowers on behalf of the club.

Diss Carnival 16th June 2024

more Rotarians Keith, Phil, Mickey, Peter and David gathered early to erect the Gazebo and prepare the stand for Diss and District Rotary at this year’s Carnival. President Bronwen arrived to find it all completed.

Garden Party 2024

more The weather was superb, the garden outstanding and thanks to everyone that supported we raised £2,172.68 for charity


more Thanks to everyone that supported us. We raised £1800 plus gift aid £2250 for local charities

Bronwen on one of her walks

£1600 raised for President’s Charities

more Pancreatic Cancer UK and Norfolk and Waveney MIND were the two charities chosen by Bronwen Moran as her President’s charities during her year of office.

Christmas FoodBank support

more Slow cookers provided again by Diss & District Rotary Club for Waveney Food Bank


more Thank you to everyone that supported this. We collected approx. £255, add in Gift Aid and then is trebled by the Bill Gates Foundation so in effect approx. £1000. This adds to the efforts from the garden party earlier in the year.


more Diss Rotary have paid £1000 towards the fuel to get an artic load of medical equipment to Ukraine. Photo shows Rotarians ,Brian Earley and Chris Standley of Norfolk Service who has previously taken loads out for us.


more £1638 has been collected and the club has topped this up and donated £1000 each to ShelterBox and Care International to support the humanitarian efforts. Thank you everyone for your support

Diss and District Rotary Club sponsors local man for RYLA

more Diss and District Rotary Club is pleased to be able to support local man, George Waterman (far left on photo)to attend the week long RYLA development course at Grafham Water.


more Following our move from the Park Hotel to Scole Inn our old Rotary sign has been refurbished and moved.

Shelter Box Recognition.....GOLD AWARD

more The Rotary Club of Diss and District has raised a total of £6,180 in Rotary year 2022/2023 and as such is one of only seventeen Gold Partner Clubs in the UK to achieve this. See Below for the impact this has had globally.

Wetheringsett Garden Party for END POLIO NOW

more Rotarians attended a garden party hosted by John and Nusia Cooper in aid of the Rotary International Foundation Appeal for END POLIO NOW. We raised £465.80 equivalent to £1397with the Bill Gates top up.

President Peter presents Bronwen Moran with the  official chain of Office.

All Change at Diss Rotary. Message from President Bronwen

more President Peter handed over the reigns to Bronwen Moran at our recent Handover meeting.

Clearing up after the garden party. All hands on deck!

Garden Party 2023 2023 raises £2400 for charity.

more The annual garden party again took place in the garden of James and Lyn Kay and the Rotary Club is very grateful to them and to their neighbours The photo shows the Rotarians who returned the next day to clear up.

100th Bomb Group Visit

more Rotarians and Guest visited the 100th Bomb Group Museum at Thorpe Abbots on 29th August. A Fish and Chip supper was arranged along with some 1940 style singing. Thanks to Ken and David H for organising an enjoyable evening.

EACH Visit

more President Bronwen and Immediate Past President Peter were recently given a guided tour of the new EACH facility in recognition of the fundraising we do for them.

Martin, Tony Moore and President Bronwen.

We welcome Martin Rickard into the Club

more President Bronwen formally welcomed back Martin Rickard into the Diss and District Club. Martin has been a member of Rotary for 47 years.

Scole Concert Raises £1500 for Charity

more .

Rotary Golf Charity Day

more A charity golf day at Stowmarket raising money for SARS.

Paul Harris Fellowship Award

more President Peter was delighted to be able to present Rotarian Alison Bannister with a Paul Harris Fellowship for her outstanding work and commitment to our club.


more President Peter presented Ellie Miller from EACH with £1000 from the Easter Egg Appeal.

Diss Rotary Club provides 20 slow cookers for Waveney Foodbank

more Working with Waveney Foodbank again, we provided cost effective cooking equipment in the shape of slow cookers...

Ukrainian Singers lift our spirits for Christmas

more Ukrainian refugees and a local pianist treated us to some Operatic songs

Moldova support

more Club support for Moldova

Support for Pakistan floods

more Following the disastrous floods in Pakistan, the club has been raising funds to help support ShelterBox