Raffle for 3 Food & Drink Hampers

Mon, Nov 7th 2022 at 10:00 am- Tue, Dec 20th 2022 - 8:00 pm

Raffle for 3 hampers of food and drink in support of East Dunbartonshire Food Bank. Minimum value of hampers are £100, £75 & £50 with approx 50% of these minimum values alcohol. Ticket £1. Draw 21st December.

Allander Rotary is running a prize draw with the proceeds going to East Dunbartonshire Food Bank. You can support those in need and have an opportunity to win a prize.  All proceeds go to the charity.

On offer as prizes are 3 hampers of food and drink with 50% of their minimum value being alcohol.  Each hamper has at least 4 items of alcohol including one full size bottle and two miniatures. The remainder is a variety of food and non-alcoholic drinks plus at least two non food items.

1st Prize Hamper - contents worth at least £100

2nd Prize Hamper - contents worth at least £75

3rd Prize Hamper - contents worth at least £50

The draw will take place on 21st December.  Tickets cost £1.  Buy tickets at Allander’s online store at https://rotary-club-of-allander.sumupstore.com/

If you wish to donate something for inclusion in a hamper please email allanderrotary@outlook.com   

For online sales, your ticket numbers will be emailed to you when your payment has been received.  Winning ticket holders will be contacted after the draw to arrange delivery.  Due to the alcohol content the recipient must be 18 or over.  If the winner is in Milngavie or Bearsden area, East Dunbartonshire or nearby we will aim to get the prize to them within a few days.  If the winner is further afield of the Greater Glasgow or in central belt we will aim to get it to them ASAP.  Anyone further afield will take longer and may be subject to a small delivery charge.  

Club President Lynne Gibbons commented “We are pleased to again support East Dunbartonshire Food Bank.  Thanks to donations from our members and local businesses all of the income from ticket sales will go to the charity.  We look forward to lots of sales”

Below is the latest news on the 3 prizes along with the pictures in the carousel.   The content of the hampers will continue to be added to until close to the draw date.  The information below was last updated on Sunday 20th November.   TBC indicates a known donation but fine details not yet confirmed.

1st Prize   Worth over £100    
Description Size Qty
Tanqueray Seville Gin 1 litre 1
Whisky, JW Red Label 50cl 1
Bramble Liqueur 50ml 1
Alambrado Malbec 187ml 1
Peroni Lager 330ml 1
M&S Fragrance Trio 3 x 30ml 1
Laura Ashley Heritage Bloom Candle  440g 1
Toasted Crumpet Designs 'Winter' Soap Bar 190g 1
Cans of fizz (2)  2 x 330ml 2
Coffee TBC 1
Arran Honey TBC 1
Jolly Chocolate Penguin TBC 1
Bonne Maman Apricot Conserve 370g 1
Wilkin & Sons ploughmans plum chutney 210g 1
Vivia Crumps Chilli & Pineapple 200g 1
Shortbread TBC 1
Cake TBC 1
Matchmakers 120g 1
KP Dry Roasted Nuts 415g 1
Mackie's Potato Crisps 150g 1

2nd Prize  Worth over £75    
Description Size Qty
Smirnoff Gold Vodka 70cl 1
Glengoyne Whisky  50ml 1
Warner Edwards Elderflower Gin 50ml 1
Vino Spumante Prosecco 200ml 1
Thatchers Blood Orange Cider 500ml 1
Doom Bar Amber Ale 500ml 1
Peroni Lager 330ml 1
Incandescent lime basil and mandarin candle  200g 1
Toasted Crumpet Designs 'Winter' Soap Bar 190g 1
Cans of fizz (2)  2 x 330ml 2
Bottle of Pepsi 500ml 1
Coffee TBC 1
Arran Honey TBC 1
Jolly Chocolate Penguin TBC 1
Bonne Maman Strawberry Conserve 370g 1
Wilkin & Sons ploughmans plum chutney 210g 1
Vivia Crumps Beetroot & Horse Radish 200g 1
Shortbread TBC 1
Cake TBC 1
Mackie's Potato Crisps 150g 1


3rd Prize   Worth over £50    
Description Size Qty
Smirnoff Vodka 70cl 1
Ardmore Whisky 50ml 1
Sipsmith Sloe Gin 50ml 1
Peroni Lager 330ml 1
Price's Sandalwodd & Cedar Candle 355g 1
Toasted Crumpet Designs 'Winter' Soap Bar 190g 1
Lipton Peach Ice Tea 1.25 litre 1
Cans of fizz (2)  2 x 330ml 2
Coffee TBC 1
Arran Honey TBC 1
Jolly Chocolate Penguin TBC 1
Bonne Maman Strawberry Conserve 370g 1
Wilkin & Sons ploughmans plum chutney 210g 1
Bonne Maman Apricot Compote 600g 1
Biscuits TBC TBC
Mackie's Potato Crisps 150g 1

'What We Do' Main Pages:

One off or irregular fund raising. Annual fund raising is covered elsewhere.


A review of 50 years of Allander featuring events, fund raising, competitions including a range of activities with the local community and schools. Chartered on 29th May 1970. Click on logo to start. Last update 9th May 2020


In addition to the Duck Race Allander in conjunction with Clyde Coastal Path are sponsoring a number of activities in this year's Milngavie Week. Full details on next page.


In 2019 Allander Rotary decided that they would like to offer the residents of Milngavie, Bearsden, the surrounding area and wider public a new service. Free to attend, a lecture on a topic of general interest and where no audience expertise was necessary

Prize tickets and prizes won.

Record of the winners and money raised for East Dunbartonshire Foodbank from a Hamper Raffle in December 2022. 675 tickets sold. Additional donations means £800 going to the ED Foodbank.


All of our Challenges from the summer and October holidays are available here. Our aim is to have more at Christmas holiday time. Watch our Twitter and Facebook pages plus The Waypoint Facebook page for news.

50 year logo

Two videos celebrating 50 years of Allander Rotary created as part of their birthday celebrations.


On 24th May Allander Rotary presented a cheque for £2000 to RNIB. The fund raising including donations by readers of an autobiography by Colin Robertson, a founder member, and selling furniture. Full details below.

Community Bed mid August

50 year celebration in Milngavie Town Centre


Our main fund raising events are listed here with details.


Details of the charities we are and have supported in recent few years


Details of local organisations that we support


Competitions in Allander Club's area with winners progressing to level of Rotary Organisation and other support.


The Firth o Clyde Rotary Trail (FoCRT) runs from the Mull of Galloway to Milngavie via Greenock and the Erskine Bridge. The route comprises the Mull of Galloway Trail, The Ayrshire Coastal Path and the Clyde Coastal Path.


Milngavie Youth Centre


Rotary for Children aged 12 and under. Killermont Primary School have become Allander Rotary's first affiliated Rotakids Club.


The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.


Along with the Rotary Club of Gourock, Allander are responsible for the Clyde Coastal Path (Kelly Burn to Milngavie) which forms part of the Firth o Clyde Rotary Trail (Mull of Galloway to Milngavie) which is part of the International Appalachian Trail.
