Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Birstall Lights switch on.
On Tues 28th Nov Birstall Market place was crowded with families enjoying the fun fare,
donkey rides and Christmas stalls.
At 6:30pm Santa and the Rev Jess Davis switched on the Birstall Christmas lights in front of the packed marketplace.
Santa and his sleigh were surround by families and children looking to see Father Christmas.
Birstall Luddites Rotary President Mary and John, with Sleigh driver Ian with the escort Rotarians John S, Tony, Jerry and Debbie
escorted the sleigh into a very crowded markeyplace.
Santas walked amongst the families and onto the stage where the switch on took place.
Santa and Mrs Santa were volunteers from the Birstall Chamber of Trade.
The Chamber of Trade built and organised the switch on stage
Big thanks to Rotarian Ian for the time organising Santa.
3 pictures in the slideshow are courtesy of CAFE@NUMBER ONE Birstall.
Below Mickey Mouse, Rev Jess, Mrs Santa and Santa.
Video below is coutesy of Mick Batley Photograp and Drone Services 07541921755
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