Award Programmes for Young People
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
This is a leadership development programme which focuses on young people aged from 13 to under 16 years. The Young RYLA event that we organise lasts 2.5 days and enables young people to develop life skills that will help them in their everyday life and future careers. This is achieved through undertaking different and sometimes challenging tasks but within a safe environment. By improving communication skills, develop leadership and team building skills it improves initiative and develops self- reliance.
This is a leadership development programme which focuses on young people aged between 16 and 26. The RYLA event that we organise lasts eight days (7 nights) and offers:
Exposure to leadership scenarios
Exploring problem-solving strategies as part of a team
Discussing and apply creative approaches to leadership and conflict management
Building confidence in yourself and what you can achieve
Meeting new people and making lasting friendships
Learning how to arrange youth activities and community service projects both locally and internationally
The Rotary Young Citizen Awards are for young people, or groups of young people, under the age of 25 who have demonstrated positive citizenship, personal achievements, assumed important responsibilities, undertaken community activities, or otherwise stood out as exceptional.
Those nominated do not have to be working on a Rotary project to be eligible for an award. What matters is that they, individually or as part of a group, have made a positive difference which is recognised by a local Rotary club or district or any other individual or organisation (for example, local authority, school, college, university, youth group, uniformed brigades) as being worthy of nomination. Examples might be champions in their school or local community, young carers, fundraisers, volunteers, or young people who have shown courage in some way
A District 1070 project which recognises and rewards Primary School age children for acts of good citizenship.
What teachers say about "Rotary Stars":
“The effects of this project on
Citizenship and Community Involvement by our youngsters has been amazing.
Rotary has provided the carrot to which they have responded”
“I sleep at night knowing projects like this exist it’s not all about
tests, tests, tests.”
“Rotary has given us the opportunity to recognise and reward children from outside the normal school curriculum, this has done wonders for their self esteem.”
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Through Rotary we offer young people the chance to develop personal skills.
moreEach year Rotary offers a number of youth development initiatives covering a wide range of ages to develop and reward
moreEach Christmas we collect donations to fund future local projects at the supermarkets in Melton
moreRotary’s own charity