Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Tue, Sep 17th 2024 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Full house for Headingley R C visit with John Warwick CEO of UpCycle - Building a better future out of the past as our Speaker

UpCycle works to prevent people being pulled into crime and helps those already in the system find paths out. This is achieved through training opportunities, resources and an environment that supports rehabilitation. The charity works in the Bradford community and in prisons across the U.K. delivering bike repair workshops and rescuing bikes for the trainees to return to usability. 

That was the initial brief we received but John Warwick brought it to life with his presentation. Why would someone in prison for a lengthy spell sign up for the course? Probably because he has never had a qualification in his life, because he gains a sense of achievement and because his activity will help someone somewhere who needs that bike and will get a real fillip in life from owning it. Perhaps it is a first concrete step in his rehabilitation and will serve him well on his release when that day eventually comes.

There was a brilliant picture of a young Ukrainian girl hugging the bike she had just received as if it was the most precious thing in the world. If that had been upcycled by the man in prison it would surely make his day to know it. It is certain that Aireborough Rotary will be following up on this talk and maybe Headingley will too!.


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Upcycle in John Warwick's words

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