more President Andy Salisbury was pleased to welcome Selwyn Comrie.
more President John Moses was pleased to welcome Robin Gonard & Mike Smith to lunch.
more William 'Bill' Pierce, Immediate Past President, Rotary Club of Seaford, East Sussex and Jennifer Pierce, President of Seaford Inner Wheel Ladies joined us for lunch
more A £150 donation provided 300 Christmas Meals.
more Over £50,000 raised to date to support Ukraine with medical supplies and housing.
more A £150 donation provided 300 Christmas Meals.
more T-shirts have, again, been dispatched to the Charles Duna Primary School.
more The Club becomes a Shelterbox Bronze Partner Club
more A family holiday.
more Over £37,000 raised to date to support Ukraine with medical supplies and housing.
more £37,000 raised to date for the International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals and the Moshchun Village Recovery Project.
more The Rotary GB&I Disaster Recovery Trust has opened a Pakistan Flood Appeal following the devastating flooding across the country.
more Rotary Clubs working together support Tafea College school water project
more Saint-Brieuc celebrate their 90th Charter Night
more With help from Rotary the Tea Leaf Trust has flourished
more Thank you Rotary St Albans Verulamium
back International Services main role is too improve our contacts outside the Island.