VETERANS HUB - September 2024
September Veterans Hub at the Army Reserve Centre brought around 20 local veterans to meet, greet and enjoy refreshments in the company of friends. Epsom Rotary along with Epsom & Ewell Royal British Legion hosted the event in the usual way, making it informal, friendly and inviting, whilst arranging some future trips to include a visit to the Poppy Factory being the next planned trip. Many reminisced, talking about many a day gone by, including their sports achievements and chatted about their current wellbeing with support from the wonderful regular volunteers.
more Over 50 people attended our celebratory lunch at Cuddington. We had a fantastic lunch and two great speakers, Richard Harris and Clive Driscoll along with a visit from our District Governor Tim Vile.
more Christmas activities carried out by the Club over the festive season
more Monthly meeting for Veterans
more Pre Christmas gathering at the Army Reserve Centre
more New Year's Gathering at the Venterans Hub
more November meet up at the Army Reserve Centre Ewell
more A great evening with wonderful music
more Wreath Laying and Marshalling the Parade at Ewell Village
more The Club held a mulled wine and mince pies stall at the vibrant event
more Celebration of 100 Years of Epsom Rotary Club
more Veterans enjoyed a welcoming day at the Poppy Factory
more Collection at the Marketplace Epsom with activities
more Monthly Veterans Hub - Epsom Rotary Club and Epsom & Ewell Royal British Legion
more At the Distict Council meeting on Satueday 21th October 2024 we recived a certficate to celebrate our contribution to Rotary Foundation's End Polio Now campaign along with 17 other clubs
more Marshalling at Ewell Village
more Dorking Car Boot Sale
more Stand at Hook Road Car Boot raising funds for Epsom Rotary Club
more Induction of Epsom Rotary Presidents for 2024-2025 we Welcome Carol and Jim
more Monthly Veterans Hub
more Another Session on 23 August 2024 brought the sun out and many enjoying the free activities.
more Family Entertainment Fun and Laughter in the Marketplace
more Final day of this highly entertaining and popular community event
more Epsom Rotary are proud to be all inclusive in the event run free for families on Fridays - 26 July and throughout August.
more Epsom Rotary involved
more We are happy to support the Local Business Improvement District Team in making Epsom High Street a great place to visit
back This Year Carol Caiger and Jim Munns are co-presidents