Rotary Club of Birstall Luddies
Visit to Westminster
Visit to Westminster 15th October 2024
After a very early start, a group of 18 members and friends had a fantastic day in London, primarily to visit the Houses of Parliament. Kim Leadbeater, MP for Spen Valley, met us in Westminster Hall, the oldest of the buildings making up the Palace of Westminster, and welcomed us to Parliament. We then joined a tour guide who gave us a polished explanation of the history and heritage of the Houses of Parliament. Following the formal tour, several members went into the Commons public gallery to listen to the debate on reforms in the healthcare sector, some staying to listen to the debate to remove hereditary peers from the House of Lords - a significant event in our history
During the afternoon, London was explored and viewed by foot, boat and the London Eye. Amongst other things, our members visited Westminster Abbey, had a 'cruise' on the Thames and walked to Covent Garden, taking advantage of the good weather!
A good time was had by all!
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moreThe Club involves itself in helping the Environment, Cutting and burning at Oakwell Hall, Help with work for the Birstall in Bloom project.
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moreInternational. Shelterboxes are an important example of rotary help to world crisis. Birstall Luddites sponsor two students in India with their schooling.
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moreBirstall Luddites in the community. Dictionaries 4Life Project. Kids Out. Birstall in Bloom work. Santa Sleigh.
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