The Rotary Club of Spey Valley were delighted to welcome 34 entrants
to their first Classic, Sports and EV Car Tour. The cars were flagged
off by club President Pam Cairns from Macdonald Aviemore Resort in
lovely sunshine. The good weather continued all the way to Strathdon
showing the heather clad mountains at their best.
Lunch was provided by Glenfiddich at their Dufftown Distillery, but by
the time cars arrived the clouds had descended and all soft top
drivers had pulled up their roofs.
The return drive was north towards Forres then south past Lochindorb
and Carrbridge. The day finished off with an Awards dinner in the
Peregrine Suite at Macdonald Aviemore.
This was a charity event where everyone gave so generously. Over
£9,000 was raised which will be shared equally between Macmillan
Cancer Care, Aquabox and the Rotary Club of Spey Valley Charitable
Grateful thanks go to our sponsors: Arnold Clark Inverness BMW,
Macdonald Aviemore Resort, Glenfiddich Distillery, Landmark Press and
all the advertisers in the Route Book.
Special thanks go to the Rotary Club event organisers Alan Cairns and
Alan Rankin for the months of hard work organising the event, and all
the club volunteers.
We had great feedback from participants who unanimously said
they were keen to come back next year!
"Thank you for your hospitality. It was a pleasure, we all enjoyed it
very much. The club needs to be congratulated for the work and effort
that went into organising the event, that was no small feat!!
Hopefully see you next year."
"Credit to all your Rotary Volunteers, they did a wonderful job.!
It was a great day. We all enjoyed ourselves with all the cars, and it
was really nice to meet a lot of interesting people. We look forward
to next year."
"We enjoyed the day enormously from start to finish. THANK YOU for your
fine efforts and those of all your co-conspirators especially your
other half and for alerting both the Distillery and the Hotel to my
wife’s dietary needs. Very thoughtful and efficient and kind. So
lovely to meet such congenial people as all those gathered at lunch
time and in the evening. We look forward very much to next year’s
"My wife and I had a great day and would love to do it again in 2025!
We thoroughly enjoyed our day. It was a very well organised & friendly
event. Hope you will have space for us next year."
The success of the event, together with the positive feedback from the
drivers who took part, has inspired the club to plan another Charity
Car Tour in May 2025.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Rotary Club of Spey Valley was proud to present its first Charity Classic, Sports and EV Car Tour on Sunday 8th of September 2024.
moreThis year it was Abernethy Primary Schools Turn to progress through the Club 2024 competition and win through to the District Final after coming second in the Area Final where they came a very creditable third.
moreWe sprang a surprise upon Donna and Victoria from Community ConnXions at the Concert. Donna for selling more than 30 tickets and organising busses and Victoria for helping organise us at te Half Marathon and to celebrate her retirement.
moreThe Club held a Charity Concert featuring the RMB Scotland in aid of Chest, Heart and Stroke, Climb to Recovery and Rotary Causes at the MacDonald Resort Auditorium on 29th May 2024
more2024 Charity Golf Tournament raised under £4,000 split between Highland Hospice and Rotary Causes.
moreOn 24th January 2024 we held a social Burns Supper for members and Guests at the Cairngorm Hotel, Aviemore
moreAs a thank you for the club members helping out with moving, buying and sorting food for the Food Hub's 20123 Christmas Goody Bag campaign, Chairperson, Carole Butler presented president Tony Burley with a donation towards our Aquabox Appeal
moreIn 2022-2r the Club purchased a Shelter Box for use wherever in the world it is required so that no family is without shelter after disaster.
moreNew President, Tony Burley was presented with his chain of office by outgoing president Stewart, McNeish at a Barbeque held in Stewarts garden.