Members, family and friends all enjoyed the race night on Friday 20th September, 2024 at the Royal George Hotel. It was a hands-on affair with experts and novices together trying to wheel in the wooden horses across the floor. The event’s sponsors, horse owners, jockeys and the betting audience, with their bags of pound coins, all cheered on their horses.
The proceeds of the event are to support the Canadian Rotarian Curlers’ visit to Perth at the beginning of November to play a series of matches with our curling members. This is a reciprocal arrangement where in 2022 our members went to Ontario and were richly entertained and hosted by the Canadian Rotary clubs.
Really, any excuse to have a fun night out, and thanks go to Joe Cairns, Jonathan Babb and Andy Ritchie for organising the event.
more A walking tour of Perth
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more Rotary Curling
more The inter club challenge competition
more Pool competition and curry night
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more Fun for members and local Rotarians on the North Inch
more Winners of the 2018 International Curling Fellowship of Rotarians Friendship Event
more Fishing at the Rotary Club of Perth
more Golf at the Rotary Club of Perth