Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Remembrance Day 2024
Sunday Nov 12th President Elect David Mullins deputising for President Margaret laid a poppy
wreath at the War memorial at St Peters Church Birstall.
A remembrance Day parade left Birstall Library at 14.00 walking to St Peters Church for a
Remembrance Service.
The service moved from the Church to the adjoining graveyard and war memorial.
Deputy Mayor Liz Smaje, a Lord Lieutenant rep and councilors attended.
Wreaths were laid including the Birstall Luddite Rotary wreath laid by President Elect David Mullins.
Refreshments were taken in the church after wreath laying on a peasant but cold Nov day .
Rotarians John Logan, Terry Edwards and Jeff B along with David represented the club including
Rotarian Peter Wait-Wright who escorted Rotarian Patricia who took part in the service ceremony .
Below President Elect David laying the clubs poppy wreath.
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