Defibrillator Training

Morpeth Rotary organise training for local businesses and Rotarians

Morpeth is fortunate to have several defibrillators, but do we know how to use them.

Morpeth Rotary – who funded two of them felt this should be addressed so we approached local businesses.

On Monday 20th January local businesses and Rotarians attended a free course, covering an initial assessment, PCR and defibrillator training

We would like to thank David Auld Solicitors, Grape & Grain,  Peacocks, Chisholm Bookmakers, Newcastle Building Society, Hays Travel, Conservative and Comrades Clubs for attending

Thank you to our trainer Andy Jerdan and Morpeth Comrades for the use of their premises.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Morpeth Rotary organise training for local businesses and Rotarians


Our 10th anniversary of the Tree of Light raised over £6000.


Immediate Past President Julie Mulqueen handing over to President Gary Witheyman


President Julie was delighted to present £1250 to Morpeth Girl Guide to buy new camping equipment for their expeditions.
