MND Talk & Presentation

Following a very interesting & moving talk from Cris, MNDA our President, Dave presents a £500 matching cheque to MNDA South Lancashire Branch last night (30.1.25)


Last night, Cris gave as a wonderfully moving & thoughtful presentation on her personal journey following the tragic loss of 4 family members from MND.

She decided to raise much need awareness of this little researched disease by volunteering and championing MND in South Lancashire.


Afterward President Dave, presented a cheque for £500 to MND South Lancashire Branch, on behalf of Rainhill Rotary to match the amount raised by Dave P following his run 31 success.



Dave P & his wife Louise, didn't potter about but instead they walked, jogged or ran one (1) mile every day during January in rain, snow, ice & sunshine to raise this amount.


It became a family challenge & Louise raised a similar amount to Dave - Well done both!

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During January & February President, Dave Roberts makes 5 presentations to various local groups following the bequest received in memory of Alan Richardson.
