May 2010 Guided Walk round the RSPB Reserve Fen Drayton Cambs.

Sun, May 2nd 2010 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Meet in the car park off the Swavesey-Fen Drayton Road at 10.00. Followed by lunch. Rotarians from Enschede Nord will be attending.

15 intrepid members met on a very grey Sunday morning, delighted to be joined by 6 friends from the Enschede Nord Rotary Club whom some of us had collected from their hotel in Cambridge. The first problem to cope with was footwear as the Dutch had not anticipated being taken through wet grass and puddles ! Fortunately there were enough additional boots for the ladies but the men had to circumnavigate the worst conditions but I am sure they ended up with damp socks at the very least. However the two hours passed very quickly being shown round by  Neil Renwick the RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes site manager and two other very well informed guides. The lakes cover a very large area that were formally sand and gravel pits now home to a considerable amount of wild life, principally birds a lot of whom we heard but could not see, must have been the cold weather keeping them tucked away and who could blame them ! Then having worked up a good appetite we retired to The Three Tuns pub in the village where we were joined by 16 other Rotarians and wives (it was particularly pleasing to see Ivan and Janet Jaggs again). Here we all had a very sociable couple of hours with a substantial meal reasonable priced

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