May 2010 Cheese and Wine evening - 7.30pm Haslingfield Village Hall

Fri, May 14th 2010 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

A fun evening - in aid of Macmillan Cancer Charity

Some 39 Rotarians and guests assembled (eventually!) for a wine tasting where we were royally entertained by Paul Bowes of Bacchanalia Wine Co. who took us through some ten different wines from around the world, although none I noticed from his homeland Ireland! We were all instructed on how to chew, slurp and spit the samples although the last part only a few complied, it seemed such a waste of delicious wine! You can imagine that such antics were accompanied by a lot of laughter making for a jolly evening as you can imagine. This was then followed by a brief address by Penny Cloebury from The Macmillan Trust the charity that this evening was raising money to support, and for which Alan Edwards ran a very successful raffle during the evening. I was encouraged to see that no one was in a hurry to leave because the evening continued for some while after the formal proceedings with everyone enjoying cheese and biscuits to accompany the remains of the wine. Finally everyone mucked in to help clear the hall for which I was very appreciative, however a special thanks go to Pat, Alan, Polly and Roger who

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