Rotary Visit to Uppingham. - Scatter Week

Mon, Mar 14th 2011 at 12:00 am -

George White, centre, flanked by President, Phil Marston, left, and John
Lattimore , right.

Scatter Week is an annual event when Rotary Clubs visit each other, often
outside their immediate area, and the quaint country town of Uppingham in
Rutland was the well chosen venue for 11 members of the March Club on the
14th .

The Uppingham Rotary club formed only some five years ago, meeting in the
Falcon Hotel, an ancient Coaching Inn, and though the membership is small,
their impute into the community is considerable.

Welcomed by President Phil Marston, after a fine meal, March Rotarian,
George White was introduced, presenting a talk on the English Speaking
Union, thorough whose assistance, he spent a year as a young man, at the
Riverdale Country School, New York.

The E.S.U. is an international educational charity which was founded by the
Sir John Evelyn Wrench in 1918, to promote "global understanding through the
shared use of the English Language'.

George travelled out on board the Cunard Liner, Queen Mary, spending a year
in the USA. As one was only allowed to take

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