The Musical Quiz.

Mon, Mar 21st 2011 at 12:00 am -

Maureen's Team

A fine 3 course meal preceded the popular light-hearted Musical Quiz held at the Conservative Club, Creek Rd, by The Rotary Club on Monday 21st March. Conducted by Steve Green, ably assisted by Liz Cowell, the questions flowed apace, with little time to argue the toss over answers.

Six teams comprised of Members, Partners and Guests, faced a variety of audio, verbal, and photographic images, with the odd sporting brain teaser, thrown into these echo's of the past.

Friendly and good humoured rivalry was the order of the evening, the eventual winners being 'Maureen's Team', comprising of Alan Burdass, Don Morris, Alan Crossley, Nick Kime, Maureen and John Orbell, who each received a C.D. of music they thought they had long since forgotten.

Winners of the Wooden Spoons were the 'President Six', who will remain nameless, albeit, they won

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