Video Jukebox

This page contains a series of videos that can be watch or downloaded for use by members or clubs.

This area contains videos of Rotary related activity which are of general interest to Rotarians and the general public.

Select one of the groups on the left hand side to look at:-

  • Topics from Rotary International
  • Topic from Rotary Wessex covering the Hampshire and Dorset areas
  • Youth Projects Rotary is involved with

Video Jukebox pages:

RI Videos

more Video Clips for RI which are relevant to Rotary Wessex

Rotary Wessex

more Some items of interest about what Rotary are doing in our area

Youth Projects

more Details of projects involving young people.

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Rotary Wessex Members Page

back The sub-tabs on the left provide links to pages of information which are mainly relevant to Rotary Wessex Members. They include: