Welsh Youth Speaks

Welsh Medium Youth Speaks Competition

An invitation is extended to all Clubs in District 1150, to enter a team for the Welsh Medium Youth Speaks competition. The event isn’t likely to necessitate a Club competition but there will be inter - Area Semi-Finals followed by a District Final.

For the various stage competition dates and locations please see the Competition Timetable

It would be appreciated if Clubs could encourage schools to participate in this competition. Many of the schools, other than Welsh-medium schools, have strong Welsh departments who would be more than capable of competing.

I would be most grateful if Clubs could inform me if they are entering a team for this competition along with the name of the competing school, so that I may organise the semi-finals.  

For further details please contact David Dyer dyer-j4@sky.com



Rules  for the competition can be downloaded and printed here: Welsh Youth Speaks Rules

A certificate template can be downloaded here: Certificate


Dai DyerContact Dai Dyer about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Welsh Youth Speaks pages:

Notes for adjudicators [english language]


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Youth Competitions and Timetable

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