Youth Competitions and Timetable

The dates, locations, and contacts for all our District Youth Competitions

You will find the various Youth Competitions listed in the blue bars. From here you can get the  rules, guidance for running the competition, a poster advertising it, and a certificate template. There is no District page for Young Artist but you can get competition information by clicking on that link. (The Young Filmmaker and Young Environmentalist competitions have been discontinued this year).

Competition Timetable

The dates for the various stages of the competition are listed below (not yet fully updated for 2024/2025)You can print a copy from the table below or alternatively you can print from this link: Competition Timetable

Last updated: 31-01-2025

Alternative text - include a link to the PDF!

Contact Robert Fry about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Youth Competitions and Timetable pages:

Young Chef

more A competition for aspiring cooks!

English Youth Speaks


Young Musician


Young Photographer


Young Writer


Welsh Youth Speaks

more (1 page below this)

Welsh Young Writer

more A writing competition in Welsh......

Young Technology Tournament


Youth Competition Certificates

more Blank certificates that can be autofilled and printed.......

Young Citizen's Award

more Young Citizen Award (1 page below this)

back to page above this...

