Sep 2012 Social - Hosting Ana Guillen and Tom Poole in Cambridge

Sun, Sep 23rd 2012 at 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

An opportunity for Rotarians to spend time with our visiting Peace Fellow, Ana, and a University student of politics, Tom, in a social setting and show off the beauty of our City.

Sue, Molly, Mike, Sia, Ana, Tom, Alan and John relaxing with a drink and a lovely view of Kings Chapel.
Sue, Molly, Mike, Sia, Ana, Tom, Alan and John relaxing with a drink and a lovely view of Kings Chapel.

Despite the rain we enjoyed a delightful stroll amongst the Colleges and beside the river. A cafe stop with a hot drink was very welcome.

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Sue, Molly, Mike, Sia, Ana, Tom, Alan and John relaxing with a drink and a lovely view of Kings Chapel.

Social and Sports Events

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