
Developing E-Rotary
District 1170, Devon is planning to develop an e-Club for those busy people who have embraced the new technologies of the 21st Century, and would like to hear from anyone who is interested.

There has always been a strong emphasis on working together in Rotary, and there has never been a greater need for Rotary service than we see in the difficult times of today. We need to adapt our organisation which has given Service to its communities for over 100 years. A key aspect from the very beginning has been an emphasis of networking, so as a new way of taking Rotary forward we are embracing the two key elements of partnership and networking to help Rotary grow.

We will be looking for someone with passion to drive the formation of the new club and become its first President. We hope to work alongside District 1100 who have recently chartered their e club and who will enrol members into their club as Rotarians, sharing their projects and growing a hub in Devon, until it is sufficient in number to stand alone.
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