Aug 2013 Punting Trip and Picnic - meet at Kings College Entrance 6pm

Wed, Aug 7th 2013 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Punting Evening using 2 Kings College and a Darwin punt with special permission from the college to picnic on the Kings College river side.

Come and have another relaxing evening by the Cam in lovely surroundings and convivial company on the annual club punting trip. Free punting tuition available for those who need it! Bring a picnic, rugs and cushions as required. All co-ordinated by David.

Eighteen of us gathered for the evening, with 3 guests including Maria our Ambassadorial Scholar (who has just achieved a well earned Distinction is her exams - so congratulations to her!).  The evening proved to be balmy (in more ways than one!) and beautiful, with the golden evening sun reflecting off the silky water and the facets of the Kings College Chapel stained glass windows. The river was busy which always adds interest to trying to punt in a rational manner!  Mike, Bob, Andrew and Maria took charge of the boats and made a sterling job of keeping us underway. We lazily (for the rest of us) meandered down the river to the Mathematical bridge at Queens then back to the Magdalene Bridge before returning to the banks of the river opposite Kings for a sumptuous self brought picnic, as the sun set in a haze of purples and pinks behind the University Library tower. Just lovely! 

Thank you so much David for arranging all the details!

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