Chewton Mendip Primary

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Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge President Jerry Coles was guest of honour when Mrs Fiona Carter's class gave a presentation to the morning assembly at Chewton Mendip Junior School. The presentation was based on their research into natural disasters  around the world, as part of their involvement with a Lego project sponsored by Hewlett-Packard. During their studies, Typhoon Haiyan was prominent and from previous work by the school in supporting Water Survival Boxes, the school requested one of the charities 'demonstration boxes' for their assembly presentation. On the day, all the children and even some of the staff came to school dressed in their own interpretation of natural disasters around the world. There were mobile volcanoes, floods, a hurricane shelter, rescue crews and all sorts of other costumes gathered in the school hall, making a very interesting display. The photos show President Jerry and a member of the school staff with a Water Survival box surrounded by children in their costumes. An amazing morning for President Jerry!

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