Help families rebuild their war-torn lives - Kids for Kids in Darfur

Helping families and children in the war torn region of Darfur in Sudan recreate their lives

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Kids for Kids helps children and families in Darfur, Sudan the world has forgotten. 

They live lives of inexcusable and unimaginable hardship, going to bed hungry and wake up hungry.   Kids for Kids is the only organisation created to help the children of Darfur, living out of sight of the world in the remote villages.

Children live in conditions beyond poverty. Small children walk miles across the desert for every drop of water -  that is heavily polluted and leads to life threatening illnesses. Noone is helping. The main aid agencies are no longer there. Foreigners do not go because it is dangerous, and no one is asking for help.

Annual incomes are as low as £50 a year. Children have never seen a toy, have no books, no bed, not even a blanket. They have little chance of education. Everything has to be paid for. There is no health care in the villages. There are no roads, no transport - you carry your child in your arms to a hospital, where there is no anaesthetic and where you have to pay for treatment - but you have no money. 

There are almost 4 million people struggling to survive in the villages of Darfur, out of sight of the world.

Key to the work of Kids for Kids is a Goat Loan Project - they lend 6 goats to a family so that the children have milk, often for the first time in their lives. After 2 years they pass on 6 offspring to another family. And so onFind out more

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