Flower Tubs at Falkirk Train Stations

Rotarians from the Rotary club of Falkirk take turn in caring for the flower tubs at Grahamston and Falkirk High train stations.

The members of the Rotary Club of Falkirk tend to the flower tubs in both Falkirk High and Grahamston stations on a weekly basis throughout the year.

This year we have only just finished replanting the tubs and are in the process of refurbishing the tubs that are arranged in the form of a train for each station. Once these have been refurbished and are planted up we will have a fine display on the platforms of both stations again.

In an effort to involve the community in this, if you have green fingers and would like to help we would welcome you with open arms. You would expect to spend an hour an a half once every ten weeks with a member of the Club.

If the idea appeals to you then contact Stewart

Stewart RossContact Stewart Ross about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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