District Membership Task Force

District task force Information

Rotarians working together and sharing their collective talents and skills to increase our membership.

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” (Gandhi)


Welcome to the Membership Task Force. We are here to assist Clubs and the District in increasing our membership.  

Our main aim is to provide co-ordinated means in which Rotarians around the District can pool their collective skills, talents and willingness to contribute to our membership growth.  We are asking Rotarians to sign up to the task force by offering whatever support they are willing to contribute from a menu of options or even their own ideas.  How much they commit to this will be entirely up to them.  

Sharing good practice, evaluation and monitoring progress will be key components.  To compliment this, we have provided a wide range of easily accessible resources to assist clubs and the task force in offering their support. We will develop these pages and up-date them, but we need you to do your bit too.


These pages belong to you. If you have ideas on what we should add,

or how we can improve on them, please let us know    

What are the aims of the taskforce?

1.    To significantly increase the membership of District 1230

2.    To support a membership strategy for the District

3.    To provide a menu of support, resources and hands-on help that clubs will be able to access and use

4.    To provide easily accessible online resources that can assist clubs and the District in increasing membership using the District  website   

5.    To communicate to all clubs the support on offer and how to access resources

6.    To challenge negative perceptions by sharing good practice

7.    To encourage clubs to see extension as an opportunity and not a threat

8.    To set up a system of regular communication, highlighting success

9.    To work in partnership with the relevant District committees

10.  To set some realistic targets and objectives in order to measure success

How will it work?

1.    The club makes an enquiry to their task force group representative or the Membership Development and Retention Convenor.

2.    An initial discussion takes place to establish what the issues are and the ways in which the taskforce can assist the club.  

3.    Working in partnership with the club consideration should then be given as to what support the taskforce can provide.

4.    An offer is then made to the club and if accepted, the appropriate taskforce members are enlisted.

5.    Any support given needs to be club lead.

6.    Referrals should be made only by the appropriate taskforce members and only with the club’s agreement.  

7.    Arrangements are then made with the club and the support is provided.  

8.    Any good (or poor) practice that came out of the exercise is shared.

Who will be on this task force?

Rotarians across the district are signing up to the Membership Task Force. It's easy. The only eligibility is that you are a Rotarian in District 1230.  We are looking for members from all of our seven groups. We all have something we can contribute. It could be helping do a leaflet drop, canvassing local companies, designing marketing materials, giving talks to business forums or community groups, attending a promotion event. It could also include writing inspiring articles for media outlets, helping clubs improve their websites, or helping them set up a Facebook or Twitter account.  
We also need members from each group who will be task force representatives. Their role will be to take the initial enquiries and establishing what support is required.  
Every member of the task force will be given all the support and resources they need to help them make their contribution.

What is the commitment?

The commitment from each task force member will be whatever he or she can afford to give. We need as many members as possible to sign up, so we can share the workload.  There are many ways to make a contribution and some of those things you can do sitting in the comfort of your own home.  

How to sign up:

First of all, consider the questions below. 

1.    If you like the idea of the Task Force will you help in any way if you can?

2.    Do you have good ideas you would be prepared to share with us?

3.    Would you be prepared to help a club with a membership drive?

4.    Would you be prepared to help with a leaflet / poster drop?

5.    Would you be prepared to help canvassing local companies?

6.    Would you give a talk about Rotary to a local business forum or a community group?

7.    Would you be prepared to assist in the formation of new clubs?

8.    Would you be prepared to come and talk to potential new Rotarians of a new club, such as a satellite club?

9.    Would you be prepared to help design a club marketing leaflet or other marketing materials?

10.  Would you be prepared to write templates of letters to go out to local businesses, community groups or potential new members?

11.  Would you be prepared to write template news articles?

12.  Would you be prepared to assist a club in developing or improving on their website?

13.  Would you be prepared to help a club develop a Facebook page or Twitter account?

14.  Would you be prepared to be a group representative for the task force?  

If you can assist in any of the ways above, or you have your own ideas of how to help, then contact Iain Shaw now on 07592 463579 or click on this button:-

All we need is:-
1.    Your name
2.    Your club
3.    Your telephone number and email address
4.    Your ideas as to how you would like to contribute    
5.    If you would be prepared to be a Task Group Representative

What happens next?

We will keep you informed as to how we are getting along. If you have signed up to be a Group Task Force Representative, we will send you all the information you need.   

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