Ayrshire Castles - 04/04/16

Weekly Press Report

Irvine Seagate Rotary had home grown entertainment on Monday, when member Billy Dickson gave an illustrated talk on Ayrshire castles.

The basis of his presentation was the book of etchings and history titled “Castles of Ayrshire” which was published in 1908 by Coylton born artist Robert Bryden.  Bryden created many works recording the architecture, culture and history of Ayrshire.  Billy showed a selection of the etchings and briefly updated the histories of the buildings in light of current historical understanding and recent developments. 

While some have been ruins for hundreds of years, others have been occupied since the twelfth century, and some previously ruined have been restored.  Discussion followed, and various people had comments and questions about some of the castles.  A Vote of Thanks was proposed by John Brown.

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