Update to Vision Aid

Every 8 weeks a collection of Spectacles is arranged by Ian Clarke and his partner Helen.

July 2017

Well another 8 weeks on and another amazing 507 glasses have been collected and boxed up for the charity Vision Aid Overseas.

All glasses are recycled and the money raised is used to help fund important eye tests and treatment in developing countries like Zambia.

To help us continue to support this charity's beneficial work please drop your unwanted glasses into Specsavers, Anstee & Proctor or Browetts opticians in Daventry.

June 2017

As a member of Danetre Rotary a further 400 spectacles (in a period of 8 weeks) were collected today from local opticians in Daventry for the charity Vision Aid Overseas (VAO).


These are recycled and the money raised is used to fund the charity’s work in developing countries such as Zambia. This includes giving people those all-important eye tests and treatment by training up local optometrists.


Did you know that old, broken, unwanted frames, bent or scratched glasses can all be recycled so please drop your unwanted glasses into Specsavers at any time and help us support this fantastic charity.

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Previous International Projects

back RCODD have always had an International Committee and every year do other activities to raise funds to support it. This list below gives an overview of what we have been involved in.