Rotaract President Lindsay Bribiescas

Wed, Feb 14th 2018 at 12:50 pm - 2:00 pm

Lindsay is a third year student from Santa Rosa in California and had a year at UCLA

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Lindsay Loves St Andrews

Lindsay Bribiecas, the current President of Rotaract, entertained and informed the Rotary Club of St Andrews recently, talking about her family, her home town of Santa Rosa in California and her love of St Andrews.

A third year student, Lindsay also explained how many of her friends and family had suffered from the dreadful wild fires last year, many losing everything including home, personal belongings and irreplaceable family memories.

Lindsay also used the opportunity to express her views on the need for mental health support for students and young people in general in today’s high pressure world. She stated that mental health had begun to receive attention lately but more support and expertise on the matter is badly needed. Lindsay who plans to go into communications business, after graduating, has already written several articles on the matter.

A very lively and wide ranging question and answer session completed Lindsay’s entertaining talk.

Rotarian, Bruce Alexander provided a well-earned vote of thanks and congratulated Lindsay and all those in our flourishing Rotaract Club.  

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