2017 Beer & Music Festival Presentation

The Maids Head was the venue for our recent Presentation evening following on from this year's very successful summer Beer & Music Festival

Following on from this year's excellent Beer & Music Festival in July, it was time to hand over the cheques and recognise the achievements from the event.

Represneting the main charity this year, East Angilan Air Ambulance, was Mark Wilson who took the opportunity to thank evenyone involved in raising such a fantastic sum of money and also explained a few facts regarding the charity, their activities and how the money would be used. President Bill handed over the cheque for £6706.03. 

Also present were the ladies from the charity Pos+ability who had run held an auction during the Festival and raised an excellent £841.00. Celebrity auctioneer and Hon Soham Rotary member, David Palmer who had facilitated the auction at the event was also able to join in the evening along with his wife, Mary.

Steve Thompson from Blueshed studios was also able to join the prceedings. The partnership with Blueshed is very much part of the Rotary event.

Everyone involved with the Club makes this community event possible and it is very gratifying to hear from the benefitting charities just how much these funds are appreciated.

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Group presentation

Annual Beer & Music Festival

back In 1993,The Rotary Club held it's first event based at the Pavilion on the town's recreation ground. Since then, through popular support locally and sponsorship, the event has grown into a two day extravaganza. With your support, local charities benefit.