CLUB NIGHT - 30/04/18

Weekly Press Report

The Seagate Rotary Charity Race Night on Friday at Bogside raised over £700 for the club’s charity account, and this has already been allocated to a particular cause.  Thanks are due to many local people and businesses who sponsored races and horses and helped make it a success.  

On Monday President Eric Greig presented a cheque to Dagmara Jaszcz, a former Greenwood student who is shortly going to Guyana as a Project Trust Volunteer. 

 Monday was Seagate’s Annual General Meeting.  President Eric summarised the year’s activities, and the various committee conveners reported on their particular responsibilities.  Conveners elected for the coming year are Fiona Lee, Ian Dickson and Eric Greig, and President will be Andy Slater.  They take over in July.  To round off the evening, John Brown was the lucky winner of a bottle of good champagne in the monthly charity raffle. 

There will be no meeting next week as it is the May Bank Holiday weekend.

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