Rotary supports Sailability

Some members of Rotary Wickford recently visited Sailability

A number of members of Rotary Wickford recently visitied the Hanningfield Sailability Project, based at Hanningfield Reservoir to see how a recent donation made has enhanced the capabilities of the Project.

The Sailability project exists to enable the disabled in the area to enjoy and learn the exhilariting sport of sailing in a safe and exciting way.

Funded totally by donations from organisations such as Rotary, Round Tables etc along with fundraising activities of their own, the RYA approved club enables people with disabilities to learn how to sail and to enjoy the sport in the idyllic environment which is West Hanningfield, providing a feeling of independence amongst its members. 

Wickford Rotary members found that the Club the money raised has been spent on a tow tug (called Toot Toot!) to enable the launching and recovery of boats to and from the reservoir to be handled better; before then the process required much heavy manhandling of the boat in sometimes difficult conditions.

President Richard Candler was happy to hand over a cheque to Chris Atkin, the chairman of the project, and then the members watched the activities both on and off the water on a beautiful June day. 


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