November 3rd - Wickford Fireworks Spectacular!

A brilliant night at the Wickford Fireworks Spectacular in the Memorial Park!

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Fireworks Spectacular in the Memorial Park on Saturday night. It really was a great evening; the weather was perfect, and everyone had a great time. And  thanks to our sponsors for the event.

We tried a couple of new things this year and in the main they improved the evening; Chris and Abbie from Radio Essex led the evening and entertained us up to the fireworks, and Kimbolton's did us proud again.

Thanks to those of you who provided positive criticism in the various social media forums; we're looking at how we can address the few points where we can improve.

And we're pleased to announce that we raise dover £8900 this year;  the proceeds of the event will go to the Cancer Research Institute and Rotary Foundation

But don't just listen to us; hear what some people said about this year's event:

"First time my family and I have been, we'll defiitely be going next year!" - Charlotte

"Was fabulous! Thank you to all the organisers" - Richard

"Thank you for all the effort you put in every year to make this happen. It was fabulous as always. x" - Jo

"It was a fantastic display. Better than last year's and we loved last year's display too! Can't wait until next year" - Lucy

"Another well organised and fun community event! Thank you to all involved!" - Miriam

And thanks to

Suttons of Wickford for helping to sell the Programmes in the High Street

Westway Travel, for advertising the event on their electronic poster board

Essex Reclamation for supplying the timber for the bonfire

and the MusicLicence for their support with the licensing of the music for the event. Check out our Sponsors Page for details of all our Programme Sponsors




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