Bringing IT to orphanage in Indonesia

Rotary Clubs of Chelwood Bridge and Surabaya Central, Indonesia, combine to bring IT to orphanage. 

In 2008/2009 Rotarian Hugo Pike (Chelwood Bridge) led a Rotary Group Study Exchange team that visited Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia where they were hosted by several local Rotary Clubs. Hugo’s opposite number was Rotarian Janti Herawati who led the Indonesian GSE team that visited our District in the autumn of 2008. Following the visit to Java, at the request of some of the Indonesian Rotary Clubs, the Chelwood Bridge Club funded the construction of a clean-water system for one of the junior schools in Surabaya and a further 12 schools were similarly equipped through a Rotary grant supported by many Rotary Clubs in our District (Somerset and parts of Dorset and Wiltshire). At that time funding for a mobile medical and dental service that benefitted some 3,000 street children in Yogyakarta was also provided. 
Shortly before Christmas 2018 Rotarian Janti Herawati renewed contact with Hugo requesting help to pay for a new computer that her Club wanted to provide for a local orphanage – the Don Bosco Orphanage in Surabaya. The Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club agreed to cover half the cost of some £234 and the attached photographs show the handover ceremony involving the Orphanage Principal Sister Anna, staff and pupils, together with Rtn Janti and other representatives of the Rotary Club of Surabaya Central. One of Rotary International’s priority areas of action is to support educational initiatives especially in the developing world.

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